Hmmm...Lets see...What can I tell you guys? I can say that I had a boring day at school, nothing to say 'bout that. I got to see 'nother bird hit a window though during lunch! It was funny, but gruesome as I was eating my lunch...Yay? Lol.
I haven't done any avatar requests, so if you are waiting for one--I know that Zach and Vince are waiting patiently for theirs, thank you ^w^--And that I need to update both Youtube & Deviantart. w00t.
I have been doing a lot of things doing with high school stuffs now, so yeah, part of the reason why I've been so busy -.-
And...I did my laps today--the usual I guess--And read...ate...breathed...A need of sleep, which I should be doing right now -w- w00t!
And...I did a random story 'bout one of my characters. I think it's a good one. Maybe I'll put it up on Deviantart & Gaia ^w^
Yep....So that's my updation for March 32, 2008. And the time right now is...*looks at corner of computer for mini clock*...12:06 in the morning...Great.
Until next time,