Originally from Eastern Europe, the blue dragon sept relocated sometime around the first millennium to Italy, where the highest concentrations of members still live.
The blue dragons were for centuries the weakest of all five septs, and were almost completely destroyed in the Endless War when two-thirds of the members were murdered in a brutal attack by the black dragons. The sept withdrew from both mortal and immortal socializations following the war, per the request of the Wyvern at the time.
The following century was a time for restructure and reorganization, with the blue dragons returning to active participation in the Weyr by late seventeenth century. Notable members include: Rosana Flore (the first female wyvern, later murdered by her brother in 131 cool , Alberti Da Ghiacceto (who is said to have created the recipe for the dragon's blood beverage), and Bastiano Blu, uncle of the current wyvern, who was unsuccessful three times in his attempt to take control of the sept. He went insane shortly after the last attempt, and is rumored to be living in a remote villa in the Italian Alps.
Current Wyvern
Name: Sfiatatoio del Fuoco Blu
Born: 1 January 1589, Milan, Italy
Mother: Amata Davini
Father: Nicolo Bastiano Ruggieri Blu
Siblings: deceased
Mate: none
Took control of the sept: 1 January 1923
Previous Wyvern: Pierozzo Blu
The blue dragons are best known for two specific abilities--tracking, and telepathy. Possessors of strong social skills, they are skilled in the art of manipulation, and are renowned negotiators. They also have a keen grasp of mortal psychology, and as such, have done extremely well in businesses in the mortal world. They prefer distance fighting to hand-to-hand combat, and are fascinated with technology of any sort.
Members: 1455
Credits to: http://www.dragonsepts.com/dragon_handbook.php