This time I have a new collection.. ta tatta ta ! -->
"!..mY sChooL FoRm..!"
I'm a highschool student in my country and I love our school uniform. It's very similar this tektek avi's. I well done! =)

I really LOveD them. I think they're cute, aren't they? whee
When I caught a good pose I will submit my own photograph mrgreen that day you will see how much they're similar to me wink
Actually our uniform must be like the first avi sweatdrop but we -students- always wear something else on it.. mrgreen
this drive our teachers crazy exclaim blaugh
I was wearing earrings and necklace too but it's forbidden for students in school.
Teachers got angry with me when I wore them so I'm not wearing them anymore lol really lol
(hsss! some days I wear them secretly mrgreen
The thing which you don't know will not hurt you, will it? blaugh )
öhööm anyway.. mrgreen
We -I mean girls- must wear school pin on our chest and boys wear tie..
I'm wearing school pin now but I was wearing tie before
(but it is forbidden for girls mrgreen )
böö I don't care ! I like tie much than the pin exclaim
Ahhh! Forbiddens.. Forbiddens.. Forbiddens.. scream mrgreen
I wish we have a ribbons too our school uniform like sailor senshies!
It would be really lovely,wouldn't it? ^-^

== This day I wrote a passage about my school uniform because it's different for every country, isn't it? razz if you read this and wanted to say something about yours too you can write and give me a link. It would be really enjoyable to read it for me 3nodding or if you want to I can tektek it. woaa it would be great but.. I don't think anyone read this mrgreen btw.. I'm going arrow ==
Ittakimas exclaim