Katherine is a 17 old lady that has stairght , long brown hair and also beatiftul brown eyes. Her Bff, Mia, has wavy shoulder lenth brown hair with light blue eyes. They are both are fans of the Jonas Brothers. So Heres my first story i ever writen by my self.
(Katherine jumps up and down in the driver seat with Jonas Brothers tickets in on of her hands.)
Katherine - come on Mia! Im ready to go!
(Mia comes out running of her house in katherine's car and Katherine starts driving to the concert)
Mia - Geez! your excited for this Joe bros concert.
Katherine - Who wouldn't?
( A few mintues later they arrive into the concert audice and notices that the meet and greet is still open for few more mintues.)
Mia - Hey, lets go see them!
(Katherine and Mia go into the meet and greet room where they saw some of their fans leaving the room and The Jonas Brothers at a table waiting for other fans to come. So Katherine walks towards them nervously but still excited while Mia follows her, acting llike her self.)
(Joe hears foot steps coming towards him and his brothers. Joe lifts his head up and sees a beatiful girl walk towards him and not notcing the girl behide her. Katherine and Mia reaches The Jonas Brothers)
Joe - Hello (exstands his hand to her) I'm Joe. Nice to meet you.
Katherine - Hi ( shakes his hand and smiles) I'm Katherine . Nice to meet you. ( ~thinks~ its amazing how i'm meeting Joe Jonas. THE Joe Jonas.)
Mia - Ahum (trying to intrup the awkword staring between Katherine and Joe)
(Katherine and Joe lets go of each others hands and creates a awkword silence0
Joe - Awkword....
Katherine - Anyways.... (looks over to Kevinand shakes his hand) Nice to meet you.
Kevin - (pulls her hand up and kisses it) Im glad to meet you, Katherine
Katherine - (turns her head away and lets out a 'eeeeppppp')
Joe - (looks jealously at Kevin flirting with her)
(While thats going on Nick and Mia was laughing and talking. Suddenly Big Rob enters the room and escorts The Joe Bros to the stage. Then Katherine and Mia run to their seats which was in the frunt row. While thye singing of their songs , Joe looks down at Katherine from the stage and winks at her. Kathere smiles)
* After the concert *
( Katherine and Mia walks towards the exit to the parking lot )
Mia - That was an awesome concert!
Katherine - Yea it was. I'm diappionted its over.
(Suddenly they hear one of the Jonas Brothers yell out 'Security!')
Whats is going to happen? Is there something on going between Kevin and Katherine? Why did one of the Joe Brothers say Security? Find out next time in ' Please Be Mine ch 2 !!