... which I am only getting around to writing about now because I am lazy. Oh teh lawlz.
SO. On Thursday I went to Gab's afterschool, and Jordan and Tai showed up and we all mostly did stuff like sit around the house and watch videos Tai was showing us, and Jordan played his violin for us. ^^ It was really pretty. We were supposed to bake cookies, but all the margarine was used in this huge vegan meal Gabby cooked for everyone.
"Remember, do not eat anything... OR YOU. WILL. DIE."
<-- Tai's ttly awesum death-threat
We were supposed to go to Wal-Mart to get more margarine, but it never happened as me and Gabby fell asleep for like a few hours, then I woke up and tried to get Gabby to wake up but it didn't happen. Me and Jordan were attacked a few times for attempting. Tai was used as a pillow by Gab for the remainder of forever.
So the next day me and Gab was supposed to go to Steph's party, so I tried to drag Jordan and Tai out with us, but they couldn't go... so I went home and after about 10 minutes of being at home I had to run to Azzy's house for a ride.
Brandon ended up being the only boy at Steph's party. xD;
I didn't really go intending to drink ( I swore off alcohol, but hey, not like I never backstabbed my morals before. -_-; ) but I decided one cooler couldn't hurt... which it didn't, it was playing the card game later with the jello shooters that got me tipsy. z_z; Everyone kept picking on me and making me take shots when they got the card for picking someone else. So basically I had one cooler and 6-7 shots, but I'm a lightweight so that was enough to do it for me.
I just had to lie down for a bit and I was pretty much okay afterwards though when me, Brandon, Steph, Jor, Nika, and Natalie ran out to Mac's. Me and Brandon thought we lost everyone because it took me so long to get my boots on, so we bolted down the street, and teenagers were yelling at us from cars. Turns out they took a different way so we beat them there, hah!
Yeah but after we got back and I got a tattoo drawn on my back courtesy of Gab, I passed out on Steph's bed where apparently no one wanted to sleep there with me because I kick ( it's true XD ) Jor tried and according to Steph I hit her in the face while I was sleeping. >_<;; I felt bad when I heard that.
Saturday I went home and did nothing. Ricky and Tyler were possibly gonna come over if my parents went out, but they didn't, so they didn't come, so I mostly just played FFXII and sat on the computer and such.
Sunday I was invited to Gab's house, but I couldn't go because I had a family dinner at my cousin's house which lasted forever. I pretty much mostly just played WoW ( I got a level 4 Blood Elf Hunter named Adellyn on my cousin's account ) while my cousin and my brother played games and the adults were talking in the dining room. There wasn't even room for me at the table so I ate alone... some Easter dinner... z_z
Monday me, Azzy, and Gab went to Brandon's house and ATV'd and skii-doo'd outside until we got cold and went inside and watched I Am Legend, which I actually really enjoyed, even if the Darkstalkers were creepy and kinda reminded me of zombies ... z_z Then Azzy made us all go outside and start a fire, which was pretty nice, but it was too cold to be really enjoyable. &_&; So we all went back in and started to watch House but then Azzy's dad came and we got driven home.
And that was pretty much my weekend. It was exciting enough, so I'm pretty happy with it. ^^; Even though I really had to fight with myself to go to school today, rather then just keep sleeping, because I was really tired...
Yeah, I was up half the night thinking and stuff about what some friends of mine told me. I question whether it's true... it eludes me, but in a way I think they're sadly right. -sighs- I wish I didn't act the way I do sometimes, I can be such a brat ... it really hides all my true feelings and causes so many misunderstandings, I think.
Well I had better get to bed or else I will be tired tomorrow morning no matter how well I sleep. -_-;
Quel du, mellonamin. Tenna' ento lye omenta. heart
P.S: Also
the end
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You, my dear friend.
Are a fruit cake.