I'd Like you all to meet...
Staple Bob
My Cousin & I made him out of staples, cause we didnt want to listen to our nana =]

Ya See...
once he was created..
SHE WAS STILL YAPPING!!! so we uploaded a photo of Staple Bob onto the computer & gave him some different 'looks'.

Gangsta Bob

Armin Van Bob <3

Staple Bob Marley

Emo Bob....? O-o
And Finally

Homeless Bob (i like this one)
I enjoyed making Staple Bob & his 'looks'
To Be Contunued...
Staple Bob
My Cousin & I made him out of staples, cause we didnt want to listen to our nana =]

Ya See...
once he was created..
SHE WAS STILL YAPPING!!! so we uploaded a photo of Staple Bob onto the computer & gave him some different 'looks'.

Gangsta Bob

Armin Van Bob <3

Staple Bob Marley

Emo Bob....? O-o
And Finally

Homeless Bob (i like this one)
I enjoyed making Staple Bob & his 'looks'
To Be Contunued...
Community Member
you should make a j.star
staple bob