The power of Music
the sisters in their first form when the gods found them






Alania was walking down the street when all of the sudden she heard music far off. She followed the sound. She came to a small run down warehouse. She saw a door opened and walked closer. She peeked inside and saw a girl playing the violin. She listened for a little while and she suddenly started to see pictures go through her head.
There were two beautiful sisters, and they played the most divine music that the gods themselves could not bear the thought of their death. The gods grew addicted to the beautiful music the sisters played, and could not imagine the endless eons without their music. They granted the sisters a gift they did not want, immortality.
For ages upon ages the sisters played for the gods, and the music still delighted the gods. But one day two new gods appeared. Twin gods. These gods heard the music of the sisters and fell in love with it. They spent all their time around the sisters, slowing falling in love with the sisters as well.
After a time they realised the sisters unhappiness, for they were practically slaves. So the twin gods schemed to steal away the sisters from the other gods. The other gods caught wind of this idea and soon a great war started over the sisters. In the mayhem the sisters were sent away from heaven so they could be protected from the fighting above. But while they were on Earth they were separated. One sister was killed by bandits, and the other died soon after not able to live without her sister.
All the gods mourned for their loss and begged the terrible god of Death to return the sisters to them. They offered the god of Death anything, but he listened not. Unlike the others he found their beautiful music painful. So, to spite the gods, he reincarnated them. Both sisters were born far apart with no memory of who they were, but strange broken memories of places and times long gone. They searched for what they seemed to be missing, and died along the way. Again the gods begged to have the Sisters but Death would not allow it. He reincarnated them endless times, each time they lived a tragic life looking for one another. Death forbade the gods to help them, dooming them to simply watch.
However this time around the Sisters are closer than ever, closer to finding each other and remembering.
Alania gasped, ' Woa, that felt so real' She then realized that the music had stopped. She turned and ran off back to her house. She stood inside at her door catching her breath. Then she went to her piano and started playing. ' I love playing the piano. It takes away all of my stress and helps me think.'
Eva took a deep breath, she sat quietly. Her violin still in her hands she absentmindedly stroking it. She had in her bag a flute and other small instruments, she never felt close to happy without them. She had felt so close, so close to remembering whatever it was she was missing. She scrunched her eyes closed.
Alania stopped playing for a minute. She put her hand over her heart. She had felt something when she listened to the girl. "I wonder who that was." She went back to playing.
Eva stood up, carefully putting her violin away. Her parents would be worried. They were often worried about her. She slipped home to her huge house. Inside her mother was pacing and father looked angry.
"Where have you been?!" he shouted.
She flinched but said nothing.
"You go to your room and don't come out until you are ready to explain!"
She nodded and disappeared into her room. Inside her older brother sat on her bed. He was tall and graceful, very slender and his face was long. She knew he had been waiting.
"Jasper." she said as she put away her things.
"You didn't find it did you?" he said quietly, understanding at once.
She shook her head, and he was by her side in an instant. Her touched her shoulder and she smiled sadly.
"Don't worry, you know you'll find it eventually."
He sat behind the giant piano that sat in the center of Eva's room.
"Play with me Eva."
He quietly started her favorite duet.
"Thank you Jasper. You're to nice to me." she said as she grabbed her violin.
"Bah, now play!" he mock ordered. He seemed happy enough, but she would never know that he was much more than a simple brother. A god in man's clothing, hiding who he really was just so he could comfort her.
Alania came to the end of her piece and her little brother Anthony came into the room. "Hey, Sis, Mom wanted me to tell you that dinner is almost ready and that she thought that that piece was good." " Ok, thanks Anthony." Then they both heard a door slam. They both whispered, " Dad's home." Their dad called " Alania come here. NOW!!!!"
"uh oh " Alania went to her father. " Yes father." " your mother tells me you just got home a few minutes ago. Where were you!?" "Alania looked down at her feet. " Dont tell me that you went back to that lake again. I told you never to go there!" her father slapped her across the face. He left the room and Alania sighed, turned, and went into her room. ' I'll just wait for night and then go back to the lake. It seems like that is my only place to be safe.'
Suddenly Eva flinched as though she had been slapped. The music she had been playing stopped suddenly. Jasper looked up in surprise.
"What happened?" he asked quickly.
"I'm not sure, I think I need to take a break."
"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked concernedly.
"Yeah, I just need to rest."
Jasper looked slightly worried but slipped out quietly. Eva flopped down on her bed and sighed. Her face stung.
Outside her room Jasper looked worried.
"She is so close this time, I know, if she finds Alania, everything will be alright. No more of this game. That's what Death promised, that is they found each other, with no help from us, then they could return to being with us." he sighed.
Alania waited until dark and made sure her family was asleep. Then she grabbed her flute, put on a jacket, and climbed out her window. She climbed down a tree, that was by her window, and took off in the direction of the lake. She got to the lake,sat down on a rock and started to play in the moonlight.
Suddenly such an insatiable longing sung in Eva's body. She felt an urge to go down to the lake, one she could not resist.
She grabbed her flute and violin, then slipped into Jasper's room. He was awake, he never slept.
"Jasper, I have to go down to the lake." Jasper started.
"Are you insane, Simon is almost ready to kill you now. Do you know how much they are worried?"
"Yes, but I have to go now Jasper."
"Please Eva, at least let me drive you there." Suddenly Jasper's face contorted in a kind of pain. Death would not allow a god to help at all.
"Fine Eva, go. But be careful please."
"Alright Jasper. I'll be back before they wake up."
She hurried down to the lake.
Alania paused in her playing. Her heart started to feel different, almost, whole. She shook it off as anxiety. She continued to play. Unknown to her her life was about to change forever.
Eva finally heard the music, she felt as if her heart was bursting. She ran as fast as she could to where the music came from. She saw a girl playing, and she was confused.
"I don't- understand..." she murmured as she watched the girl.
Finally she pulled out her own flute and listened to the music, carefully playing a different tune in harmony with Alania building the depth of the song.
Alania heard the other flute start to play but she kept going. ' Whoever is playing along sure is good. They knew exactly what to play along with my tune. Wonder where they learned.'
Eva closed her eyes and lost herself to the music. Their tune kept going deHigh above them. The gods and goddess watched down, barely breathing. Hydra the goddess of water cried quietly. She had always been a child and she had loved the sisters' music, now she heard it again, she could not keep herself from crying with joy. But this caused the skies to open and rain upon the entire world. Eva took her flute from her mouth and shook the water from her hair. Her flute had water in it, she sighed sadly.
Above them, the gods looked in terrible loss, and they turned angrily at Hydra, which only made her cry harder.
Alania stopped playing to look up at the rain. She sighed" This is gonna be hard to explain to Dad." She put her flute inside her jacket and headed under a tree. She looked around untill her eyes landed on a figure. She called out, " Hey come under the tree. That way you wont get so wet."
Eva smiled for the first time in a long while and ran under the tree.
"Thanks. Sorry, were you the one playing then?"
"Yes, and i'm guessing that you were the one who joined me.Your really good. My name is Alania. What's yours" She rubbed her sore cheek a little as she said this.
She was shocked.
"My name is Eva and, yes, I played with you, but what happened to your face?" Eva sounded horrified.
"Are you alright?"
"Yea, it's nothing. Just ran into a door. Thats all." She smiled hoping Eva would believe her.
Eva raised an eyebrow, then shook her head.
"It's your life."
She sighed as the rain slowly subsided.
"So where did you learn to play?"
"Well, I really tought myself. My mother says I'm a natural and my father...." She trailed off. She looked down. "..could care less. So what about you?"
Eva smiled slightly.
"Well... I have always been gifted and my parents love that. I taught myself a lot and they pay for anything I would like to advance my music, but- they worry sometimes. They would like me to have friends as well as music, but I don't really. So Father feels like it's his fault for giving me all the music. He blames himself and so he gets angry."
She sighed.
"My brother Jasper is always giving me these songs that I almost know and plays duets with me. He likes to help."
"Thats nice. I have a little brother named Anthony. He's told me countless times that he loves my music. I only have one friend and i only see him at school. He likes to help me and he supports me."
"That sounds nice. I don't have any little brothers or sisters. Only Jasper and me."
She sighed.
"Hey, guess what. I'm changing schools. Wouldn't it be funny if I went to your school?"
From above the goddess of luck, Della, had a brilliant idea. She tampered with luck here and there and suddenly it was pre-ordained that Eva would end up and Analia's school. She threw Jasper in there as well, just for fun.
"That would be kinda cool. i wouldn't be the only one there that actually knows how to play an instrument." She looked at her watch. "Uh oh i gotta hurry home or my dad is going to be even madder at me. Hope to see you around"
Eva suddenly felt reluctant.
"What if I call your father and ask for you to sleep over? I know my parents would be delighted for me to have a friend over."
I guess. I hope he's not too mad. but i will have to go get my things for school tommorrow."
"I know what I can do, give me one second."
She pulled out her phone.
"Jasper, it's me. I would like to have a friend over, but we're both a bit wet. Could you pick us up from the lake please? Yeah, we will need to drop by her place. Thank you so much Jasper."
She closed her phone and smiled.
Soon Jasper arrived in a sleek black sportscar. She ducked out with an umbrella and opened the doors for them. He smiled when he saw Analia.
"Hi, my name is Alania and you must be Jasper"
He smiled pleasantly.
"Of course, though I did not know Eva told you about me." he laughed, it was a nice sound.
"Well hurry up, you must be drenched."
Eva hopped in and slumped on the soft leather seats as she waited for Alania.
Alania got in and directed Jasper in the right direction. ' oh i hope i dont regret this.'
They were quickly out of the car. Jasper placed a gentle, warm hand around Alania.
"Don't worry, I won't let you regret anything." he said with a smile.
He let go then helped Eva out of the car, she was shivering and still drenched. He took of his coat at put it around her with a loving smile.
"Thanks Jasper. So let's go." she walked and knocked on the door.
"uh thats ok i have a key." Alania unlocked the door and went inside.
Her father was stumbling down the stairs looking groggy.
Eva flashed the most beautiful smile and put a hand out in greeting.
"Hello sir, we are Alania's friends. My name is Eva and this is Jasper."
Jasper dipped his head in a friendly fashion with the perfect expression on his face.
"We are very sorry to disturb you, but we were wondering if we could borrow your daughter for tonight. We were hoping for a sleep over of sorts."
Eva and Jasper looked so convincing and absolutely perfect and humble that Alania's father looked flustered.
Her father said "Fine but don't you dare skip school." Alania nodded and went to her room to get her things. She came back with a backpack and an overnight bag. "i'm ready. let's go"
Eva smiled gratefully and Jasper did too.
"Thankyou sir." said Jasper.
"Let's go Alania." grinned Eva.
Soon the car was pulling away smoothly.
Alania finally relaxed and looked out the window into the rain. She started humming a song.
Jasper listened quietly, taking a deep breath as though smelling something wonderful.
They pulled into Eva's huge house. Jasper grabbed Alania's bags and carried them to the huge door.
Eva hurried to the door and waited for Alania. Inside her parents paced, looking worried. When her father saw the friend with Eva his face turned surprised and he showed her mother. They both gawked then disappeared upstairs to leave them alone.
" Woa big house." Alania said as she walked to the door. " So, is it just the four of you or do you have any pets?"
"Just us, no pets."
Jasper slipped back to his room when Eva showed Alania her giant room. The piano was still open and instruments were everywhere. A huge stereo was atatched to a TV, and there were heaps of CDS and DVDs everywhere.
Alania went over to the piano," Wow, nice piano. An oakwood baby grand, nice" She sat down on the bench and ran her fingers over the keys, " Oh and ivory keys."
Eva smiled.
"You know your stuff. Room's soundproofed so you can have a try if you want."
Alania smiled and started playing a slow beautiful piece. Her fingures gracefully glided across the keys and smoothly hit each note.
Eva quietly sat next to her on the piano and added another melody beneath the one Alania made. She smiled as their music sang as one.
Alania smiled and continued playing. She felt whole. Her heart felt either relieved or it was rejoicing. She couldn't decide which.
Suddenly Eva stopped. Her whole body contorted and she fell backwards, as though someone had hit her. She hit the ground and didn't move.
Jasper had been watching from then window discreetly, overjoyed at hearing his love's music again with her sister's. When he saw her fall he leapt through the window.
"Eva! Whats wrong!? Are you ok?" Alania stood up alarmed.
Jasper had gathered her in his arms at once and was talking very quickly.
"Don't give up now, you are so close. Do you understand me? Don't you dare give up now!"
Eva murmured quietly and Jasper sighed in relief. Eva looked up at Alania.
"You seem- familiar..."
" hmmm... You seem familiar too but i just can't place it."
"Like I've known you for- well forever."
Jasper pulled away.
"Why don't you guys just play your music tonight, you both look fairly tired so don't strain yourselves."
As he walked out he clenched a fist.
"You are so close..." he whispered.
"So do you want to keep playing or do you want to go to sleep?"
Eva shook her head.
"I don't want to stop playing with you, it makes me feel whole." she smiled sheepishly.
"That must sound weird."
"No, it doesn't. I feel whole too." She sat back down and began to play again. She noticed that the door was opened a little. She whispered,"Is it Jasper at your door or your parents?"
"Probably Jasper." she said as she began to play.
Alania smiled and continued to play. "so what are your parents like? i didn't see them when we came in."
"They are nice, but over-protective. They left quickly so they wouldn't scare you."
Eva chuckled.
"So what do you think of my family?"
"Well Jasper is nice. And be glad that your parents want you to be safe. But you should probley talk to them about letting up a little. All in all be glad that your parents love each other so much."
"What do you mean by that?"
Alania stopped playing, "Well my parents don't exactly see eye to eye, if you know what i mean. Sometimes my dad will come home and he'll be drunk and my mother is constantly trying to get him to stop. She says it's bad for me and Anthony. They'll get into big fights sometimes and Anthony will come and curl up with me and we end up falling asleep together. Anothony and I are really close because of all the fights. Kinda unusual for a strong bond between siblings. He really looks up to me and i always have to stay strong for him." Alania looked down at the floor.
"That's funny, because Jasper is always strong for me. Whenever Dad gets stressed over things Jasper is always there to make me feel better. It's strange but, Jasper is more than just a brother to me. I'm so lucky I have him."
She smiled.
"I'm sorry about your family. But from now on you can come here as much as you like." Eva continued playing, her fingers like water over the piano.
"Thanks, that means a lot." Alania picked up the tune and started again.
"Hey, I'm going to my new school tommorow. I can ask Jasper to give you a ride to yours if you want. Sorry, I'm not old enough to drive alone yet."
"Ok, that would be nice." Alania yawned. "Sorry i'm a little tired."
"Okidoki." Eva seemed sad about stopping playing.
"It is late. There is a bathroom over there," she pointed to a small door which lead into a luxurious bathroom made for Eva's room.
"I'm going change out here, k?"
The door closed and Jasper disappeared.
Alania nodded and headed into the bathroom. She changed into black pj bottoms and was about to start buttoning up her shirt when she looked at the scar on her stomach. She shook the thought out of her head and finished changing. she brushed her teeth and then went back into Eva's room.
Eva was already asleep, but a beautiful and calming song sounded from the piano. Jasper sat behind it playing a soft lullaby kind of song. He smiled at Alania.
"You must think I'm rather strange."
"Ah just a little. usually the older siblings hate the younger ones,but hey i have no room to talk." Alania collapsed on her sleeping bag and fell asleep emidiantly.
Jasper slowly stopped the song, and turned on his seat. Through the window slipped William.
"Look at them Will, just like when we first met them."
Jasper sighed happily.
"It's taken so long." he said.
Alania's eyes twiched a little and Will froze. When she didn't wake up he moved again. "Well i'd better go before she wakes up and sees me here." He went back out of the window. "I am so relieved that they found each other."
"Yeah, let's just hope we can all return to heaven soon."
Jasper closed the window behind Will and slipped into his own room.
Alania opened her eyes and got up. Eva was still asleep so she went to get ready for school. She finished changing and went back out into the room.
Eve was sitting on her bed, fully ready for school. She looked at Alania and burst out laughing.
"Same uniform!" she said between laughs.
Outside Jasper honked the car horn.
"Dang your fast." Then what Eve said registered. "Woa, cool we go to the same school. Ok well lets hurry. Jasper might become a little impatient.
"Yeah, isn't it lucky?"
She grabbed her bag and raced downstairs. Her mother was standing there with two small boxes and two cups.
"Breakfast for you girls. And Eva I can guess you forgot to let her bring her wallet so treat her to lunch alright?"
"K Mum."
Eva grabbed one box and cup and waited at the door for Alania.
"Thank you." Alania took the other box and followed Eva out of the door and went to the car.
As they sat in the car going to school Eva opened her box to find home made donuts. She smiled and ate quickly, soon they were at school.
"So this is the right school?"
"Yep. This is it." Alania got out of the car. She spotted someone and headed over to them. "Eva, be right back." Jasper raised an eyebrow but let it pass. "See you at lunch Eva." he waved and as he passed practically every girl in the court yard swooned.
Eva almost laughed. She looked around for Alania.
"Morning Will." Alania greeted. Will said, "Come with me." "Um...ok." Will led her around to the other side of the building. He grabbed her arm. "Tell me what he did this time." "Wha" "No! Tell me what he did." "He...He slapped me. Ok, happy?"
Eva followed them. She heard Will say, "No! Tell me what he did this time!" "He...He slapped me. Ok, happy?" Eva gasped in shock. ' So that's what really happened! Oh poor Alania.'
Alania looked down at the ground. Will looked at her. He brought her into a a hug. " I don't know why you don't tell the police about your father." " Because... He would hurt me even more. and if I ran away he would just hurt Anthony."
Alania sighed and started back to the front of the school.
Eva ran back to her spot and pretended she had been waiting.
"Oh, hi there. You must be one of Alania's friends right?"
Will nodded,"yep,but for some odd reason, the only one. Oh well, now she has another friend so i don't have to worry as much." "Eva, this is Will. Will ,Eva. Eva lets go get your schedual"
"Nice to meet you Will."
She followed Allania with a troubled expression.
Alania led Eva to the front office and they got Eva's schedual. " Oh, good, we have all the same classes. Let's go. Don't wanna be late." Alania said with a fake smile.
Eva followed.
"Alania, I-"
"Hmm something wrong?"
Behind them it seemed Will and Jasper were getting on well.
"Your face- he hit..."
"It's nothing ok. Lets just get to class." Alania headed of in the direction of their first class.
Eva looked sad.
"It's not nothing Alania, it's most definatly something. Please stay over tonight again." she begged.
"I'll spend the night but i have to go home right after school to check on Anthony. Then i'll come over." She walked into the classroom and took her seat.
"OK then."
She sat down and listened to a class she'd already taken at her old school.
The day dragged on until it was fianlly lunch time. Alania waited for Eva outside of the class.
Eva stuck to Alania, the new school kind of frightening. And she had been daydreaming of herself and Alania, playing music in a place like heaven. Then there had been two familiar faces, one that she knew she loved. Then a terrifying war. She had stopped daydreaming there.
Alania and Eva got their lunches and sat down. "Well i dont know about you,but i actually can't wait for music class today. So how have you liked the school so far?"
"Yes, I can't wait to play with you again." Eva smiled.
"School... Well, It's kinda nice. I've done some of this stuff already but I like having a friend around."
"I wonder what the music teacher is going to think when she sees that we already play so well together. Oh, which piece should we perform? The double flute or double piano?" Alania asked. She nibbled at her lunch waiting for Eva's answer.
"Double flute I think. Your fluting sounds so wonderful."
"Alright, this time we can do the whole song together."
"This is going to be so much-"
Suddenly Eva remembered a large chunk of what had happened to them before this life. Her face went pale, but she smiled weakly.
Alania eyed Eva but let it go. They got up and threw away the rest of their lunch, after Alania told Eva to avoid the vegetables, and headed to their next class. This class was gym. Alania showed Eva the locker rooms, changed, and went to run her laps. After she finished her laps she started to do all of the stretches. She could feel the glares of most of the other girls as they saw how flexible she was. Alania just ignored them and continued.She was used to that.
Eva laughed and kept up with Alania.
"I'm so glad you are this fast in PE, gives me something to look up to." she laughed.
Alania smiled. "Yea, most of the girls here could care less about gym. They only care about their looks. O well, cant change anything about that. We have music next or last.
Depending on the way you look at it. A little while later the bell rang. Alania and Eva changed and went to music. Alania sighed, "Finally music class."
Eva smiled and hurried along. As she rushed into the room and admired the instruments everywhere. She sighed in happiness and took a seat.
The teacher came in and quickly got the class started.
"Okidoki, today everyone is to write a short piece in a small group. The best piece at the end of the week will be performed at the weekly assembly."
The group looked around excitedly. Eva almost jumped up in excitement.
She pulled out her flute and looked at Alania expectantly.
Alania smiled. She raised her hand. The teacher said,"Yes,Alania. Do you have a question?" "No mam,i wanted to ask if me and a friend of mine could play a little song for the class." She took out her flute. The teacher said,"Um...Sure Alania. I'm sure the class would love to hear one of your pieces." "Ok thank you. Eva you ready?" She stood up and put her flute to her lips and started to play.
Eva blushed but smiled and also lifted her flute to her lips and began to play softly. Their tune was a soft, sad one full of minors and flats. It was all very melancholic and beautiful. Even the boys who had been grumbling at the start sat silent and entranced.
Alania looked up at the class but kept playing. 'Dang i knew that we would be able to mezmorize the class but not like this. Even the boys are listening.' She smiled and kept playing.
Eva suddenly in her head saw a slightly familiar face, she couldn't quite place it but she felt such a leap in her heart...
The song suddenly went wild and joyful, breaking away from the sadness.
The teacher sat with a look of surprise and bliss on his face.
Alania felt her heart jolt a little. Suddenly she saw a face in her mind. It looked so familiar but she couldn't place it. She started to slow the fast part of the song down, knowing that the song was almost over. But deep inside she wished that the song didn't have to end.
Eva slowed a little too, and hesitantly she played the ending bar. She took the flute from her lips slowly and half smiled at the class.
The class burst out in applause. The girls bowed and went back to their seats. The whole class kept saying,"wow, you guys are awsome." and "Where did you learn?" and "Wow i wish i could do that." Alania smiled. She felt better then she had ever felt. She looked over at Eva and smiled at her.
The teacher stood up slowly, smiling.
"Well, that was amazing. Right class?"
They all nodded and Eva blushed.
"I thought about it, and I think before we make these songs for the assembly everyone should learn an instrument. Now I was hoping Alania and Eva wouldn't mind helping me. so please everyone, except Eva and Alania, make a line and tell us what instrument you would like to learn."
Eva looked around.
"Do you mean, learn it in one period?" she asked worried.
He smiled.
"No, I was kind of hoping you could help the other students with it all through the year. So what do you say to it?"
"I'm fine with it. But, they have to be willing to learn,and it can't be a forced want to learn. Eva how bout you?"
Eva smiled.
"I'd love to do this."
All at once there was a line of students all looking eager.
There were titters of excitement running through the line as they said how much they wanted to be able to play as well as Eva and Alania.
One girl stood up the front of the line and said proudly,
"I would like to learn the piano."
Alania whispered to Eva, "Oh goodie." Then she said a little louder," ok then i'll be teaching piano to anyone who wants to learn." Alania quickly looked up to the clock. ' oh good. Only ten more minutes of this. Then about thirty until i get to see good old dad.'
The teacher smiled as a portion of the class followed Alania.
Eva looked around. Then the teacher said,
"I'll be teacher guitar and such like."
Another portion of the class followed him. Left behind were the group who wanted to play things like flute and violin. She smiled warmly.
"Then let's go. Who wants to play what?"
Soon she was twisting between her group of five and they were all having a ball.
She felt much happier than she ever had. After a short time the bell went and Eva went around packing up.
Alania waited outside for Eva. Then she saw Will and went to greet him. "Hey Will how was your day?" He sighed,"It was really boring today." "Well tommorrow will be better." Then Alania spoted Eva. She said." I'll see you tommorrow Will. bye." She ran over to Eva. "Hey, hope you had a good day. I'll be over at about 4:00 after i check on Anthony."
Eva had walked into Jasper, and she couldn't help but laugh. He looked out of his depth, he was followed by a group of girls who kept tittering about him being such a cute new transfer. She'd laughed and then he'd laughed.
"Ok Alania." she impulsively hugged her tightly.
"But please you come back, don't stay away."
"Ok, i promise. Hey actually could you meet me by the lake? I wanna go there because it's so pretty"
"Alright... I'll be waiting there."
Eva hurried over to the car and waved goodbye and headed of for home to change before she went to the lake.
Alania smiled. She headed home. She unlocked the door and went in slowly. "Anthony, hey, are you home buddy?" She heard a laugh behind her. ' oh crap. It's dad.' " No, he's playing over at a friend's house. I wanted to have some father daughter time." ' oh double crap. He's been drinking.' Alania slowly turned around and her stomach met her father's fist. 'ohh'
Alania barely stood. She was panting." Wow,I acutally managed to knock him out. Good thing he was drunk." She stumbled out the door and headed down to the lake. She came to the bank of the lake and colapsed. She hoped that Anthony was ok.
Eva was just in the right spot to see Alania fall. She screamed in rage and pain and ran over to Alania. She cradled her in her warm arms and Eva's tears pattered onto Alania's face.
"Alania... Please tell me... Are you alright?"
From over the hill Jasper and Will watched this with wrath in their eyes.
Jasper said coldly, "One human can not be allowed to get in the way of this. We should kill him."
Alania felt warm arms wrap around her. 'Eva?' She slowly opened her eyes. She saw Eva and sighed in relief. "Yea, I'm ok. But i don't know about Anthony. I don't know where he is. Can Jasper go and get him?" She winced.
"Alania, please don't worry. We'll work everything out ok? You just rest here."
She gently pulled her long jacket off her and slipped it over Alania.
On the hill Jasper looked at Will.
"Well? She is your love right? Are you alright with this?"
"Thank you Eva." She smiled and passed out.
Eva was crying, she didn't know what to do. She knew Jasper would have to be coming soon, but when would he come?
She was very worried.
Alania was dreaming. There were two girls and they were playing music. She looked up a little farther and saw a lo of people watching the girls. But two stuck out to her. There were two boys that were standing over to the side. Then she looked back to the girls. They seemed unhappy. Alania wondered why.
Eva was still crying, she was so scared. Jasper wasn't here, Alania was unconcious maybe dying in her arms.
On the hill Jasper just looked at Will.
"You know we aren't allowed to go and help them." he said softly.
"Well? If you don't answer soon I am going to kill the old man myself. He may be her father for this round but I'll kill him anyway. It may be selfish but I am this close to getting Eva back and one old man is not going to get in the way of that."
Jasper disappeared from the hill, heading towards Alania's house.
Eva closed her eyes and laid her head on Alania's chest. She was so scared. But as she rest there she felt a wave of strength seep into her, Alania's strength. Eva opened her eyes. She couldn't just sit here.
She gently let go of Alania.
"Sorry, I hope this doesn't hurt you." she whispered as she hoisted Alania's onto her back as gently as she could. Awkwardly she draped the jacket around Alania's back and positioned her arms so she was easier to carry. She pushed herself to her feet and began walking slowly in the direction of home.
Alania was having another dream. She looked around and she saw Anthony. She smiled and headed over to him, but he seemed to get farther away. She saw her father go over to him and start to hit him. She gasped. All of the sudden her father disappered. She let a single tear fall. She knew that he was dead. This kind of dream had happened before. The other one was before her older sister drowned. She sighed and went over to dream Anthony. She was relieved that this was just a dream.
Eva got to her home, panting with exhaustion. Her mother opened the door, horrified.
"Eva? What happened?"
"Her father, he hit..." she trailed off and held Alania tighter.
Her mother covered her mouth and called her father.
"Quick, let's get her somewhere warm."
Soon Eva was sitting down, still worried as her mother hurried around doing everything she possibly could for Alania.
Alania opened her eyes. She only had to look at the ceiling to know that she was at Eva's house. She called,"Eva, are you there?"
"Alania!" Eva was by Alania's side in an instant, holding her hand.
"Are you alright?"
"Yea, i'll live. Do you know if Anthony is alright?" She had a look of great worry in her eyes.
"Father has gone to look for him, but we haven't heard anything yet. I'm so sorry." she said, looking sad.
"I couldn't check on him when I took you home, because I wasn't strong enough to keep carrying you."
"I'm sorry that i was such a burden. You could be doing something else and your stuck looking after me."
"Don't be stupid. You are the most wonderful friend I have, you are like my sister." she said warmly.
"And.. I don't know but I keep seeing these wierd things of us in olden times playing music together. Like we were sisters in a past life or something." she said quietly.
"But that is just stupid right?"
"No thats not stupid." Then what Eva had first said registered. "Thank you. You seem like a sister to me. But I have to go find Anthony. I can't bear to lose another sibling."
"Please, let me go with you!" Eva pleaded.
"You aren't strong enough to go alone right now!"
"Ok, I could use a little help. I wish that my mom wasn't on a buisness trip. She would have picked up Anthony from school." She stood up with a little difficulty. She winced and her hand went to her stomach,but she headed for the door.
Eva was at her side, suddenly supporting her.
"You know, once we find him I am never letting you go back to your father's house. We'll work something better out for you and Anthony. I know this really nice family, lives next door in that mansion next to ours. They are a kind couple and they want children, but can't have them. They are thinking about adopting some kids, maybe they could look after you guys. They are as rich as we are so there'd be no money problems, you would be really well looked after. And then we could both go to a better school. A private one with a really good music program. Maybe the Emperor's Private. That is really good."
"But what about my mother?" Her phone started ringing. She answered," Hello." "Hello miss Alania. I am afraid i have some terrible news. Your mother was heading home and her plane was in an accident. I am sorry to tell you but she didn't survive." "Thank you for telling me." She hung up her phone with a look of pure sadness mixed with horror. She started shaking and sobbing.
Eva without a word cradled Alania, swaying gently.
Her father then came in the door, carefully holding a now sleeping Anthony. Anthony had a large bruise on his face and an ugly cut up his arm but he looked content in Eva's father's warm arms.
Alania looked up at the sound of the door. Anthony opened his eyes and saw his sister. Eva's father put him down and he ran to his sister. She opened her arms and he ran into her hug. She held on to him tightly." Oh Anthony, I'm so glad your ok." Anthony started crying," Daddy hit me. It hurt so much." "It's ok it will all be ok. I promise."
Eva's mother had already arranged a room for Alania and Anthony, a huge room as big as Eva's with an ensuite and everything. She made sure they would have everything they wanted in there. She felt so sorry for them.
"Honey, we should call the Beggs. They were looking for some children and these two really need a good family." her mother whispered to her father.
"Yes, but let's let them sleep first. Then we'll call the Beggs over tommorrow."
Alania opened her eyes. She was in a big bed. She felt something shift next to her. She looked over. Anthony snuggled up next to her. She looked around for a clock. She saw one next to the bed. It read 8:00 am. She sighed in relief. Anthony was safe and they would never see their father again. She tried to get up but the wound on her stomach seared in pain and she cried out.
Eva jerked awake.
"Alania? Are you ok?" she said groggily, shifting in the chair she had slept on that night.
"Yea. It's just a little pain." She undid her top and revealed a small gash on her stomach. But in doing this she also revealed the scar across her stomach. She managed to sit up. She looked over at Anthony. She hadn't woken him up. She looked over at Eva. "It's not that bad."
"That scar... I remember, bandits... Fighting and clashing of weapons..."
Meanwhile Alania's father was already dead, killed by the gods.
"This sounds silly, but... I don't know, don't worry." she said, blushing slightly.
Anthony stirred and asked,"Sister is it true that mommy is dead?" "How did you find out." " I heard a message on the phone." "Yes, mommy died in a plane wreak." Anthony started crying in his sister's shoulder. "It's ok. I will always protect you. i promise." She looked over at Eva. " What are your parents planning?"
"Well, of course, you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you need to. But they are planning to call over that family I told you about. The Beggs have already heard about you and love you guys already." she said with a kind smile.
"You see Anthony. Everything will be much better. We'll get a daddy who won't hurt us and a mom that wont always be away on buisness trips. They will both love us." Anthony started to calm down. Alania looked over to Eva." We dont have to present ourselves all nice do we. I mean we can put on nice clothes, the bruises and cuts on the other hand we can't really get rid of in a day. I expect that they want to come meet us soon so just asking."
"Oh no, mother took special care. She called our personal tailor last night and had you both outfitted while you slept." she smiled and opened a large walk-in-wardrobe. It had been bare the night before but now there were quite a few outfits, the tailor had been paid a huge amount to work fast and get his apprentices in.
"You can pick wht stuff you'd like to wear, but I don't really think the Begg's will care. They came round last night, and both were absolutely smitten in a second. Mrs Begg is lovely, she wanted to take you both home right then and there, but she knew it was better to let you sleep. She was already planning a round-the-world shopping trip to help you guys personalise the rooms you'll be having and get some clothes. And Mr Begg has always wanted children. He is CEO of a very successful company. In fact, he works with my father's company sometimes. He does go on buisness trips quite a bit, but Mrs Begg usually stays home. He said you guys would be welcome to come on any of them, so long as it wasn't going to distract you both from school." Eva described them, hoping to reassure both of them.
"And father has already re-enrolled me in the Emperor's private school, and the Beggs were quite eager to have you two in that school too. I do like Emperors, it is huge. They have hundreds of acres. Of course, they have a wonderful record."
Anthony looked over at the closet,"Woa! Thats really really big." Then he looked over at Eva."When can we meet them?" "Anthony calm down. Judging from that reaction they are going to be here later today. Eva, thank you so much. For everything your doing. We can go play your piano later today." Alania slid out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.
"You can meet them very soon Anthony." Eva said with a smile.
"Now, if you want I'll leave you alone. I'm glad you're ok Anthony. After brekfast the Beggs will come over. We didn't know what you wanted so she got the cook to make everything and anything. There will be fresh bread, dotnuts, eggs, sausages, salad, toast, tea, coffee, milkshakes. She has been worried all night over what to feed you this morning." Eva said with a laugh.
"So when you guys come down, one of the maids will take you to the brekfast room."
Eva smiled and slipped out the door.
Alania walked out of the bathroom chaged. "Ok squirt. go get ready for the day and then we'll go to breakfast." Anthony ran into the bathroom and changed. He came out again and said,"Ok let's go." "Alright." They headed downstairs, the maids met them and lead them to the dining room. They sat down at the table. Alania thanked the maids and the maids left the room.
Eva's mother sat, looking anxious as the cooks showed the huge table filled with all kinds of food. Eva hugged her mother affectionatley.
"They'll love it, won't they?" she said smiling at Anthony and Alania.
Anthony said,"Woa..." Alania just laughed. "Don't eat too much Squirt. " Then everyone started to eat. Alania only ate a little. Then she stood up and went to the window. She looked outside and saw a bright sun. She smiled a true smile. Something she hadn't done in a long time. ' We are free at last.' She turned around and looked at Eva. "Hey where is Jasper?"
Eva's smile disappeared, she looked worried.
"He didn't come home last night. I'm not sure where he is." she put on a smile.
"Here come the Beggs."
A young couple, the woman pretty enough to be a model and the man with a strong kind face, entered with shy smiles.
"Hello Anthony, Alania." she Mrs Begg with a shy grin.
Alania walked over to Anthony and said, " We're very happy to meet you." Anthony wiped some milk off of his mouth and stood up next to his sister. "Yea, we're really glad to meet you."
Mrs Begg clasped her hands in front of her and grinned at mr Begg who smiled as well. She rushed forward a gathered both Anthony and Alania into a hug.
"Please come with us!"
"Ok. Eva i will be back later. I guess they want to get us settled. I promise to be back cause i wanna play your piano in a double piece again." The Beggs, Alania, and Anthony all left the house and headed to the mansion next door. Alania looked back at Eva and mouthed 'thank you'
Eva smiled, and she went to say something but her voice was drowned out by Mrs Begg's excited chattering.
Eva's mum looked thoughtful.
"We should both go on a round-the-world trip, the Begg's and us. That would be fun, wouldn't it?"
Eva nodded absent-mindedly.
The Beggs showed Anthony and Alania to their rooms. The rooms were close to each other. Then the Beggs showed them the rest of the house. The Beggs got them all settled in.
Alania looked at the clock. It was 11:36. She left a note and headed over to Eva's house. She knocked.
Jasper opened the door, he looked very quiet and almost tired.
"Hello Alania, Eva is in her room."
Without a word he slipped away, disappearing into the next room and leaving Alania to find Eva herself.
Alania eyed the door Jasper had gone through,but let it pass. She headed to Eva's room and knocked. "Hey, Eva, I'm back."
"Hey Alania." she said, engrossed in her piano. Rich notes filled the air of her room.
"Care to join me?"
"been waiting for this all day." Alania headed over to the piano,sat down, and started up a second tune. They were in the middle of the piece when Alania jerked back. Almost all of the memories from her past came back to her. "Is this what you've been seeing?" She looked at Eva." Have you been seeing the past? Our past?"
Eva blushed.
"I don't know. I just see people, they don't always look like us but they are us. There are always people listening to their music."
"What do you think this means? Do you think it's connected to why we feel as if we known each other for a long time even though we only met two days ago?"
"I, I don't know. But I catch glimpses of strangers. They look so beautiful, and they smile or cry with happiness every time we play. They keep telling me, to remember."
"Mabey, in the past, we were sisters. Something must have happened in the past that someone is trying to get us to remember. " Alania shut her eyes trying to remember.
"Who though? I remember names, almost. They are ones from mythology, gods names." she sighed and stopped playing.
"Hey,got any books on ancient myths? Looking things up is one of my many specialities. That and drawing. Got any scetch paper and charcol? Mabey I can draw who i see in my dreams."
"Yeah, I'll go to the library and check it out. Here is some paper."
Eva handed Alania some paper and a sketch pencil.
"Thank you." Alania started drawing and finished in a few minutes. What she saw suprised her. Jasper and Will were in the picture along with others that she didn't know. "Look at this and tell me what you think."
"It's... Jasper... That is always the face that I love the most..." she siad quietly.
"What do you see?"
"Will"She said pointing to Will in the picture. "Ok let's go to the library. I have somethings to look up about some ancient gods." She stood up.
"Ok..." Eva looked slightly worried.
"Who are Jasper and Will?"
"It seems as if they are gods. I mean when i talk to Will it always seems as if he is hiding something. Something important, as if there is something he doesn't want me to know." Alaina opened the door and waited for Eva.
"I don't know... Jasper always seemed different than just a brother..."
"You mean like a lover? Will seems more to me than just a friend. It's always been like that." They headed to the library and Alania went to the books on old myths. She took a few books from the shelf. She brought them to the table,sat down, and started flipping through
the pages. She flipped through until she found something. "Hey look at this. It tells of a group of gods who one day found 2 sisters who knew how to play wonderful music. They granted the girls imortality. The sisters were unhappy. One day twin gods came into the heavens. They fell in love with the sisters' music and soon the sisters themselves. They planned to steal the sisters away, but a war broke out about the sisters. The sisters were sent to earth but were killed."
She held her head in her hands.
"I remember, watching you... Bandits and an arrow flying through the air and hitting you..."
Alaina shuddered,"The pain of that arrow. The thought of never seeing you again. It tore me apart before I hit the ground." Alania put her hand on her stomach over the scar. "The death was painful. It was slow and agonizing." Then Alania looked up and over to one of the bookshelves. She thought that she saw someone.
Eva shuddered.
"Long days stretched by, as if time was slowed. Every second killed me, my heart died with you. I didn't eat, nor drink, I died even slower than you."
"You don't think that..." She paused. "That the gods will come for us again? Now that we found each other again."
"I don't know... Would they still want us? And what about Jasper and Will?" she blushed.
"It is all a little strange when you love your own brother..."
"They might want us to play for them again. As for the sibling problem. Are you absolutly sure that Jasper is you biological brother? Your parents could have adopted him. You never know."
"I'm not sure, but it's a possibility. But what are we meant to do till then? I mean, the gods haven't come for us yet so maybe they don't want us... But look at this..."
She pointed to one of her books.
"The Tale of the Two Sisters and Death. When the two beautiful sisters died Death took them and forced the gods to play a cruel game with him. He reincarnated the sisters on different sides of the Earth. However they could not live without the other and so died before they found each other. He had some evil witches place binding spells upon the gods so they could not help the sisters. However the gods sent the two sisters' respective lovers to protect them from harm. And so, through all the ages the sisters were protected by the one who loved them, even when they were not aware of it. It is said the gods still wait for the sisters to find each other, and for their lovers to take them back to heaven."
Eva looked up, with a slight smile.
"Wow this is so weird. Well we finally found each other, but I don't want to be taken away from this life. We both have so much to lose."
"Why are we assuming this is real? I mean, it's a pretty neat coincidence... but honestly. How likely is it?" she asked tiredly.
"Yea i guess i was over reacting a little. But still the visions are hard to explain. oh well, lets go back home. My new mother will be a little worried. Dang i might never get used to calling her that." They headed back home and went into their separate houses.
-a week later-
Alania and Anthony were settled in their new home. They had officially become part of the Beggs family. Their life was getting so much better and the around the world shopping trip was only a day away. Alania spent a lot of time with Eva. They played music together and they also hung out with Jasper and Will.
Eva was a little awkward around Jasper at first, but he had returned to his kind normal self and so her awkwardness melted away. She laughed with him and acted normally, though she couldn't forget what they had learned at the library.
She was with Alania, helping her pack because she had already packed her huge bags.
She hid behind her back a little box with a pretty wrapping.
"Hey Alania, I have a present for you." she said with a grin.
She knew inside there was a new very expensive custom flute made by the greatest flute maker in the world. A twin flute to hers.
She handed the box to alania with a hopeful smile.
"Hmmm... you definently are full of suprises." She carefully opened the package and took out the flute. She had a look of suprise in her face. "'s so pretty..I...Thank you Eva." She put the flute to her lips and started to play a song. She finished and looked up."Wow, the sound is almost perfect." She gently put the flute down and hugged Eva. "This means a lot to me." Then someone knocked on the door. "Come in." Her mother came in. "Alania, you have a letter from Will." Her mother handed her a letter and then left. Alania opened the letter. It said,
Dear Alania,
Please meet me at the lake today at 3:00. I have something to tell you.
Wow wonder what he wants to tell me. What do you think Eva?"
Eva blanched, hands on her head. She grimaced.
"I get the feeling... Something is going to change very soon..."
Eva hugged Alania.
"Please, promise me you will tell me whatever happens there."
Suddenly Jasper appeared.
"Hey you two, could I borrow Eva for a second?"
Eva stiffened. She had a bad feeling about all this.
"Same for you."
Alania headed for the lake. She only had to wait on few minutes and Will appeared."Hi Will. What did you want to tell me?" "Alania, for a long time i have had feelings for you and when your father hurt you they only intensified. I thought about it and i realize that i love you." Alania gasped. This was not what she was expecting. "I...I love you too Will. I was just afraid that you only saw me as a friend." Will brought her into a hug and lifted her chin. "You have always been more than a friend to me." He kissed her.
Alania walked into her front yard in a daze. She sat down by a tree. Will had just told her that he loved her.
Jasper looked at Eva very carefully.
"Eva... I would like to ask you... How much do you remember?"
Eva started.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. About the gods, about Alania."
"Uh, well... We did a little research..." she waved her hands abstractly.
Jasper put his hands on her shoulders and forced her eyes to his.
"Please, Eva tell me!"
"Ummm." she recounted what they had discovered in a halting voice.
Jasper looked ecstatic.
"So- do you remember me properly?" he asked quietly.
Eva blushed, Jasper was no longer her brother. He was an immortal, the one who she loved and loved her. She found herself tongue-tied.
"I'll take that as a yes." he said with a perfectly happy smile. He gathered her up in his arms and she buried her head in his shoulder. He took a deep breath and sighed in contentment.
"You don't know how long it's been since I could do this." he said as he rested his chin on her hair.
"So are you ready to come home?"
Alania sat at the tree pondering ' what if what we researched at the library was true. Does this mean that the gods will try and take us into that horrible life again?'
"Uh, Jasper... I am not sure... I mean, I remember being unhappy with the gods." she said quietly.
"No Eva, not back to the gods. To the place that I told you about just before you went to Earth. My original home. It's beautiful, and you can do whatever you want there. It will just be us and Alania and Will. It will be quiet and peaceful. Our home." he said.
Alania got up from the ground when she heard a noise up in the tree. She looked up. Will was sitting on a branch. "Well couldn't be away from me for too long can you?" Will jumped down next to her and hugged her" Nope, your just too beautiful." Alania sighed in content. 'Will what would i ever do without you?'
Eva sighed, wistful.
"That sounds nice..."
Jasper smiled.
"Of course we don't need to go yet. Let's see what Alania thinks of this."
He held her hand tightly and she smiled with a slight blush.
They walked together over to Alania and Will.
"Hello brother." said Jasper with a smile.
"Brother? Didn't tell me that Jasper was your brother." Will shrugged,"I was getting around to it. I bet that their here to see how you feel about going home." "I don't know. Part of me wants to, but then the rest of me says that i have too much to lose. Anthony, My new parents, and my new life. I just don't know."
Eva suddenly pulled away. There was a crack of lightning and a terrible figure came between her and Jasper, also grabbing and pulling Alania over.
Eva struggled, but she couldn't speak- her voice was all choked up. She heard Jasper cry in rage.
The thing that had singled the sisters out stared at them, it was Death.
"You found each other, how touching. Unfortunately, I don't want my game to end yet!" it said in a crackling raspy voice.
He lifted Eva high and threw her like a rag doll. Over the lawn she rolled until she slammed into a tree. Even then she couldn't find her voice.
"That's right, your pretty songs- I hate them. You can't sing around the Dead girly." it cackled.
Will shouted,"You promised that is they found each other without any help from the gods that you would leave them alone!" Alania crawled over to Eva. "Eva he can't stand out music. If he hears it he might not want to be anywhere near us." Alania pulled out her new flute and handed Eva her flute. She started to play. She hoped that they could get out of this.
"Rules Shumles." laughed Death.
He screamed in anger when he heard the music. Eva pulled hers to her lips and joined in. The song was an angry song, defiant and proud. Death cringed and whimpered. He stepped back.
"I'll get you soon enough, this game isn't over!" he screamed as he disappeared.
Will and Jasper ran over to the girls and hugged their loves. Alania was shaking like a leaf.
"It's over for now."Will sighed.
Eva dropped her flute, it clattered to the ground. Jasper was cradling her in his arms in a second. Her eyes were going fuzzy.
"Jasper... I think I hit my head on the tree..." her eyes closed.
Jasper had her up, her face close to his quickly.
"Come on Eva, stay with me."
Eva mummured something.
"Will get an ambulance or something, she may have a concussion."
Jasper hugged her, letting her head find a comfortable place on his chest.
"We are about to go home Eva... Don't give up now..."
Alania went over to Eva and took hold of her hands. "Eva please stay with us." Will pulled out his cell phone and called the ambulance. In a few minutes the ambulance was there. They looked over Eva. One looked over Alania because they had seen her shaking. Both girls were put in the ambulance and taken to the hospital. They were put in the same room.
Continued in next journal entry