name / / Amai
age / / 1372
species / / hanyou (half angel, half demon)
love interest / / Luci
bio / / Amai is a pretty upbeat but quiet person. She is very elegant and big on politeness, though she does have her crazy moments when she's completely immature, usually thanks to Nana being there. Amai is very protective of those whom she loves. Up until meeting Luci and Kurai, she was pretty devout in her avoidance of other angelic or demonic beings such as herself. She especially doesn't try and associate with other demons because of her other side. If she gets angry, she goes berserk where she is in a rage and tries to destroy anything and everything. Because of this, she usually is very calm and patient.
name / / Nana
age / / 1367
species / / angel (i-child)
love interest / / Kurai
bio / / Nana is the most fun-loving of the girls. She is always chipper and energetic, and everyone loves her (except Luci, but then again he hates everyone. XD) Nana and Kurai are practically one in the same; two birds of a feather. They pretty much love the same things and are equally as fabulous as each other. They are the only perfect match in our specially little messed up RP world.
name / / Akara
age / / 300
species / / 3/4 demon, 1/4 angel
love interest / / Hana (failed), Chichi
bio / / Akara is Luci and Amai's child. She is very much so a daddy's girl, but she doesn't milk it too much unless she wants affection. She is very confident, smart, regal and forward. She has lots of charisma (thanks to Kurai XD) and uses it. She isn't afraid to fight for what she wants, and she's relentless, meaning she'll fight til the death (almost) for it if she really believes in it. Though she may make idle threats to have Luci steal people she's mad at's souls, she doesn't like using Luci as a free ride and usually yells "I REFUSE TO CALL UPON THE POWERS OF MY SUPREMELY AWESOME AND POWERFUL FATHER. I can do this myself!" if she is backed into a corner. This phrase usually gets her pumped again.
Despite her very outgoing nature, she has a modest and humble streak in her also. She doesn't like being a bratty princess, so she is usually very kind and tries to be helpful. The first time we will see her actually act bashful is when she falls for Achira. This causes her to get severely teased by Hana and Goshi, which she responds with telling Luci to kill them. (She stops him when he actually tries to, though. XD)
name / / Yubari Kotani
age / / 4607
species / / demon
love interest / / Mika
bio / / Even though she is older than most (younger than Mika, Luci, and Kurai only), she is the smallest. She's only 4'10", though she's a very fiesty one. She doesn't let her size get to her, and she trained to be a very powerful demon with a specialty in magic just to show everyone who thought she was too little to do anything. She is pretty close to Kurai, Luci and Mika, and pops in on them from time to time, though this time she decides to stay with them since they finally made friends with other nonhuman beings (finally, she says XD). She finds their relationships amusing, and also she feels it's her job to bother Mika about his height, despite her short height. She loves to argue with Mika since he always takes the bait. Currently, she hadn't seen him in a long while, so as soon as she hears he's going to be coming to them, she will be eager to see him. Despite the many times Kurai and others teased them about being a couple, they both naturally refute it, though secretly in her heart, she is really fond of the kid. She won't allow herself to entertain the thought of 'Mika' and 'love' in the same sentence, though. (Yet... >D)
name / / Emma
age / / 1604
species / / angel
love interest / / Goshi (secret crush)
bio / / Emma is a pretty shy girl, though she isn't soft spoken. If she has an opinion, she forces herself to say it if it is important enough. She likes to be around people who she loves and who loves her, which means after she makes friends with everyone, she hangs around them constantly. She was a loner until she met these guys, so her social skills are a little shot, which makes her a bit of an introvert. When she first meets people, she's really shy, though grows used to them by just being around them for a bit. If she likes someone, she shies away from them, which makes her sad that she cannot get closer to them and has to wait for them to make the first move. She's not really an instigator, and she is a peace-maker. She prefers to talk things over than have an all-out brawl.
She will become close friends with Akara because she really admires her for her confidence and boldness. Emma's past time is sleeping, so if she's left unattended to for more than ten minutes, she falls asleep where ever she is. She likes to sleep a lot. XD Though she is so soft and gentle, she likes people that are a stark contrast to herself, hence why she was drawn to the group.
Emma is from Russia, and though she'd traveled the world many times, she always ends up there. She loves the Russian landscape mostly, it's cold and tundra-like. Something about snow and the cold weather that she likes. She likes to sing and made two songs, Nas Ne Dagoniat (Not gonna get us) and Ya Shosla S Uma (Yes, I've lost my mind) that are in Russian. She likes to sing, and when she sings her voice it loud, clear and prominent, unlike her usually soft nature. (I just had to add this in there because I listened to t.A.t.y this morning).
name / / Shouhei
age / / 2700
species / / hanyou (3/4 demon, 1/4 angel)
love interest / / I dunno / crushes on Kurai and Nana
bio / / Shouhei is bisexual. He is pretty laid back and fun loving, though he has a way of being serious through his nonchalance. He is very sensual, and likes physical contact. He isn't on any particular 'side' (heaven or hell), he just He crossed paths with the group because he sensed an unusual amount of nonhumans within a remarkably close vicinity to each other, so he went to investigate. Low and behold, he found this motley crew! He decided to allow himself to tag along, and since he's so lovable (so he says), they allowed him to stay. He's a fabulous cook, and though he has the tendancy to act a bit like a bum (as in lazy), he knows how to a LOT, and is very responsible. He's one of those people who are amazingly laid back and carefree, despite their crappy been-to-hell-and-back,-literally past.
name / / Chiyu
age / / 7
species / / hanyou (1/2 human, 1/2 angel)
love interest / / Zero (playmate)
bio / / She is Emma's little sister, and is a vary curious and spunky little girl. She likes to think up and ideas to interfere with the adults' lives, because it's fun. She usually is always seen with Zero, and follows him around everywhere. She liked him ever since they first met, and calls him 'onii-chan' even though they're not related (she feels that close and sees him as an older brother figure).
She is the illegitimate child that her mother and another human had. Because of her, her parents had fought constantly. Even though her mother went to God and apologized, her husband still hasn't forgiven her. Because of all the fighting, Emma took her little sis away to live on Earth with the Group.
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