So, Gaia Online has been around for now five years, thats a quite a long time for a website, especially one like Gaia that had humble beginnings. Every year on February 18th, Gaia celebrates its creation and each year since then bypass's records that most websites have even yet to imagine. In the year 2008, its going to be no exception... great workings are now afoot in our glorious world and things that were once deemed taboo are slowly being revealed unto us. So yes, Gaians, new and old, remember the ups and downs, the epic win and epic fail, remember that date that ties all Gaians down, the date you should never forget... February the 18th.
Always remember... now..
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Manchester I Darkfield
Community Member |
Formerly and still, "[b:8ce51e3664]masterdark1[/b:8ce51e3664]" [/align:8ce51e3664]
[/align:8ce51e3664]Always seeking avatar artwork.
[/align:8ce51e3664]Always seeking avatar artwork.