Merel is trapped under a brake tube,
The ship was sabotaged she knows for sure,
there is toxic comming out,
Thomas is rushing down the stairs to go to the ship
and warn the peopel inside not to start it up.
Gorden noticed a noise in the back,
Goes there and sees steam of some kind come
out of the maintanance tube,
he tells Han to not fly off, Merel throws some
tool at him, he notices its Merel when he asks
her to throw something else, Then Han knocks him out and binds him to one of the poles.
he closes the vent again...
Merel heard the vent closing she throws something at it and hears it hitting the wall,
She imidiatly knows what happend, but she only knows Gordon was there...
Telepathic conection between Thomas and Merel pops up...
Merel: Thomas they closed the vent again! HELP!
Thomas: WHAT?! I'm getting Jeremy hang on!
Merel notices the toxic and grabs one of her little oxygen devices.
Thomas warns Jeremy.
Jamie, jerymy, James and richard go with thomas to follow the ship,
Merel is loosing herself more every minute, shes hase a shield up and broke contact with Thomas
against the toxic, but now she lost it to much and her shield fails, she re contacts Thomas.
''Thomas, Thomas!''
She can't seem to get contact,
''come on, THOMAS!''
She gets contact.
Thomas:'' Merel! are you okay? Can you tell me who is in the ship?''
Merel:''I can berely tell if I'm alive and I can't seem to concentrace do you think I can do that?
Besides I've forgotten his name the toxic is effecting me eaven tho I'm not breaving it in...''
Thomas: ''Any idear?''
Merel:'' It's one of the 2 you know aah...''
Thomas: ''Gordon?''
Merel: ''Yeah I think they knocked him out or somting...''
Thomas: '' Do you remember anybody else?''
Merel:'' No, but I have the destinct feeling that the person who is flying this ship didn't want this...AA...''
Thomas: '' Merel are you okay?''
Merel:'' You'd think?''
Thomas: ''Nevermind.''
Merel:'' Nothing against you or something, but can you contact Jeremy and the rest threw to?''
Thomas:'' okay...''
Thomas contacted them with Jamy, Jeremy, James and Richard... (they fly around in search of The ship)
Merel: '' Aaah.''
She is having problems to concentrate.
Jeremy:''Merel are you okay?!''
Merel:'' I'll survive, It just really hurts.''
James:''Is it possible for you to contact Gordon?''
Merel: ''aah sorry, It's difficult to concentrate, I'll try right now!.
Gordon...Gordon contact, Gordon come on GORDON!''
Gordon:'' Merel?!''
Jamy:''Gordon who is on the ship except you?''
Gordon:'' aah, My head hurts, I think, wait Richard disconnect!''
Richard:'' huh why?''
-Richard disconects-
Gordon:'' If I remember corectly Han knocked me out.''
Merels eyes open wide she thinks:''So I was right''
Thomas" Merel?''
Merel:'' hmm AAA yeah.''
-Richard is reconected by Jeremy-
James:''can you try and not give me a heart atack everytime?''
Jeremy:'' Merel do you have any idear where you are going?''
Merel:'' Jeremy i don't eave...''
Her eyes open wide again she smells some kind of burn and remembers
She was lying under the turn and brake fire tube...
Merel:''waaaah, umm, I forgot to tell you something.''
Merel: ''since... well you know I'm stuck, But I'm stuck under the fire brake & steer tube, The system
Is open but the tube isn't connected if he uses it...''
James:''We have a serious problem now.''
Merel:''He hasn't turned since we went away...''
Jeremy:''Guys turn now!''
Richard:''if we knew that, we would have found you by now.''
Merel:'' Aaah!''
Merel bites in her lip it hurts to much she can't concentrate,
She also smells the fire more...
Thomas:''Merel are you there?''
Jamy:''Merel say something!''
Jeremy turns white and sends:’ please don't die!''
Merel can hear them but she can't respond because she hazes not enough energy...
Richard:’ PLEASE!!!'' Richard sounds desperate...
Jeremy: What the James is falling...
He scoops up James
Richard:'' I can't seem to pick up any signs of life except Han and Gordon on that ship.''
Gordon:’ no this, I, aah...''
-James woke up again-
James:'' I think I just kinda well, Jeremy It's okay...''
Jeremy was crying a bit
Merel is following the conversation but she just can't seem to send a message...
Jeremy:'' I, I, It can't...''
Thomas:''NOOOOOO!'' He sounds really desperate...
James: '' please let it be a joke or something...''
Gordon:'' I forgot that there is some kind of smoke coming out of the vent all the time...''
''Soaring, Flying''
Jeremy:'' What the MEREL?!''
Merel: '' what huh?! You can hear me again?''
Thomas:'' Thank you!!!''
Richard:’ DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN!!!''
Merel: '' Sorry it was just impossible for me to answer, it wouldn't come threw.
Gordon:'' I think I can hear something...''
James:'' Can you patch it threw?''
Gordon patches it threw:
Teke (name of one of the telepathy hunters: ''Turn!''
Han says:'' WHAT?! Are your crazy? You know Merel is back there!''
Merel stops listening and turns white...
Teke responds:'' DO IT, you know...''
Han desperately shouts:’ But dad!!!''
Back in the telepathic conversation:
Richard:’’That’s a BIG problem.''
James:'' Merel are you okay?''
Merel:'' No, if...'' She doesn't seem to notice what they talk about...
Han looks at his controls,
He doesn't want to turn...
Jeremy:'' Merel... You must try to shield or something...''
Merel doesn't respond...
Jamie:'' Merel it's going to be okay!!!''
Merel:'' I think I see some light in there...''
Thomas:’ No...NO, NO, NO, NO!!!
Richard turns white,
Richard:’ Please not yet...''
Han pushes the buttons to turn around and starts to cry a bit...
The rest all turn white...
The fire blasts threw the vent and just when it's supposed to hit Merel...
The spare parts and broken parts she had create some shield,
A broken shield generator got power of one of the power sticks...
Merel can't contact them but she can listen...
Thomas: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! He flies faster he sounded so desperate...
Richard can't take it anymore and falls out of the air, James completely shocked catches him,
Jeremy can't concentrate and Gordon is crying...
James:’ PLEASE MEREL!!!''
Jeremy:'' No.''
Gordon:'' There’s black smoke coming out of the vent...''
Han comes into the back part of the ship where Gordon is; he comes in crying and sits a few feet next to Gordon...
Jeremy screams he can't take it,
Jeremy:'' Merels like a daughter, she can't.''
James:'' She's like a daughter to all off us.''
Thomas:’ And she's my girlfriend for like 7 years...''
Richard wakes up and fly’s again.
Richard: '' Please tell me that was a dream.''
But he looks at Jeremy who is still white and knows the answer...
Gordon can't say anything to Han but he already knows it wasn't his choice...
Merel wants to say something but she can't seem to get contact...
James: ''It just can't be true...''
Gordon: '' I don't think it really was Han's choice...''
Richard looks at Jeremy
''It's okay Jeremy...''
Merel:'' AAAH...uuugggg'' Merel is in deep pain again...
Thomas: ''MEREL?!'' he stops flying...
Richard:''MEREL?!'' he also stops flying...
Jeremy almost falls out of the air but James grabs him...
Jeremy: '' M...Merel?!''
James:''Merel can you say something?''
Merel:'' I think I'm bleeding somewhere, Bloods coming out of my mouth...''
Gordon:’ the fire? How?!''
Merel:''The defect shield generator got po...aaaah... got power threw a sticky I think...
I'm just extremely lucky...''
Richard:'' WHY DIDNT YOU SAY ANYTHING?!'' he also screamed that out...
Jeremy:’ RICHARD!!!''
Richard:’ sorry it's just...'' He becomes silent...
Jeremy:’ sorry...''
Merel:''I couldn't, I'm running real low on energy...''
Han:'' And Oxygen...''
James:’ HAN?!''
Han:''yeah it's me... she haze about 10 minutes the way she is using it now...''
Gordon:'' When did you contact?!''
Han:’ Just time enough to hear Richard get frustrated...''
Thomas:’ you could have said something, ooh and I'm there in a minute, He's so going to get in trouble...''
Merel:''Thomas please be careful and remember he aaah...'' Merel bits her lip again she can't hold the pain...
Han:’ And he is still my father...''
Merel barely follows what is happening, she just can't hold on...
Merel:''I...AAAAH, I can't hold on much longer...''
James:''Merel listen to me, would you give up if Steve came to safe you?''
Merel:''n...'' she’s struggling to talk... ''no''
James:’ Would he let you give up?''
Thomas:’ he wouldn't...I'm at the ship...''
Thomas enters the ship, grabs his sword and a second later teke attacks him.
Merel:'' Thomas?'' she struggles to send the messages...
Thomas:’ I’m busy''
Thomas jumps backwards in a salto threw the door the automatically opened...
Gordon: '' their here now.''
outside the telepathic message while fighting:
Teke says: ''Why would you fight? I mean Merel is killed.
She doesn't like revenge...''
Thomas responds:'' Because I cared about her, I wouldn't let anything happened to her if it cost me my life...''
Teke grins and says:'' Bit late with that ay...''
Merel looks at the spare and broken parts; she sees something that will explode if it hits something hard and throws it against the maintenance entrance...
Teke says: ''what the?!''
Black Smoke and tox starts to fill the room.
Back in the telepathic message:
Thomas: ''Merel what was that?!''
Merel:'' Well I teached you how to fight in any situation and area ay? Well this may work in advantage...
Thomas sword gets hit out of his hand
Thomas shouts: ''HAN HELP!''
Inside the message:
Merel: ''I can't breave anymore...''
Han:’ you can now I gave you another 5 minutes.''
At that moment Jeremy and the rest come into the ship and the tox gets sucked out...
Teke says: '' Thomas your pretty fast.''
Thomas doesn't say anything he doesn't want to be noticed...
Teke says: ''come here...''
Thomas grabs his sword and cuts Gordon loose who grabs the cloth around his mouth and pulls it off.
Jeremy attacks Teke, but then Thomas throws his sword at him and hits him in the heart, teke transports away the sword falls away.
They stand still for a moment...
While the rest was fighting Merel took off her little Oxygen storage, she couldn't fight the pain anymore...
Richard shouts: ''MEREL!!!''
He opens the vent and crawls in followed by Jamie,
They come up to Merel turn on their back and go under the tube as far as they can; They push up the tube, when they almost pushed it
where it came from it automatically comes back inside the vent, They are a bit surprised,
Richard carefully pulls Merel out of the maintenance tube...
Jeremy says:'' Nooo what have you done Merel.''
Merel isn't breaving and the Oxygen storage is in her hand...
Thomas drops on his knees, Richard cries over Merel, James try’s to reanimate her, but that didn't help...
Han is looking the other way and he is crying,
Jamie and Gordon only stare at Merel...
Richard struggles to say: ''Why... Why couldn’t you just wait 5 minutes...'' He cries...
Merel try’s to open her eyes...
James holds Merels hand not noticing she almost opened her eyes...
James says:’ I told you to... ... hold on...''
Merel whispers:’ I did my best...''
Thomas:'' MEREL?!''
He now sits next to her and holds her head up a bit...
There came a little bit of a sparkle in Richards’s eye when he heard Merel...
Jeremy says:'' You did okay girl...''
James said:'' You just scared the hell out of us...''
Merel whispers:’ It Hurts Too much...'' some blood comes out of her mouth, She turns around slowly...
Richard says:'' That's a big wound on your back.''
He comes to Merels other side and heals the wound...
Merel says: ''thank you... that helped a lot...'' She finally keeps her eyes open...
Jamie finally says:’ do not do that again.''
Gordon says:'' Agreed...''
Merel gets a smile on her face...
Thomas almost cries out:'' I thought I really loosed you!''
Merel says: ''You know me, I'm like an old crazy dog, I can't die...''
Thomas smiles a bit while crying...
Merel says: ''you know the ship isn't working on auto pilot?''
James and Jeremy run at the controls shocked and just keep the ship from crashing into a big tree turning that hard that Merel fly’s backward...
Thomas who barley got hold of something shouts:'' AY BE CAREFULL!!!''
Jeremy says:'' IT WAS EATHER THAT OR A TREE!!!''
A few minutes later Merel is sitting a few feet away from Han...
She looks at him and says... ‘‘Are you okay?''
Han looks away...
Jeremy says: '' Why did you attack Gordon?''
Han turns around towards Merel looking down...
Richard sits down next to him...
''It's okay, just tell us.''
Han says:’ it was my own choice okay?!''
Merel says:'' So it was what I thought it was and that’s not your own choice...''
Han turns a little bit white... and says: ''And that is?!''
Merel looks at Gordon and Richard and then she says:''Jamayca...''
Richard can't believe his ears... Han turns white and starts to cry...
Richard struggles to say:’ they captured my daughter...?''
Merel turns silent her eyes close like she is hearing something; a little pain grump comes out of her mouth...
Jamie sits down next to Richard and try’s to calm him a bit, but it doesn't help he listens to Han...
Han tells them half crying:’ my uncles captured her last night, immediately after my dad contac'' he swallows ''contacted me,
I had to sabotage some stuff and hide the signs if Merel was working, wa, was working somewhere...''
Richard is silently crying...
James says:’ that’s why Merel got seriously injured a few times yesterday...''
Merel mumbles: ''aaaah...''
Jeremy says:'' Merel did you get contact with her?!''
Merel doesn’t respond...
Gordon comes out of the other part of the ship saying:'' We landed again...''
Merel opens her eyes with a shock struggling to breave...
Richard stutters and almost yells:'' Merel please be careful...''
Han says:’ what did you see?''
Merel didn't hear that but says: '' She, they, hurts, they are...''
Richard and Han look down...
Jamie kneels down next to her and says:’ now calm down and breave slowly... okay... yeah that’s right...''
Merel says:'' I was looking threw Jamaica’s eyes and felt what she felt, she’s in a lot of pain, I think that they are torturing her...''
Richard stands up and walks out of the ship Jeremy wants to stop him and talk but he walks around him, Han walks towards the vent and rolls inside on the skateboard next to it and starts to repair...
Jeremy says:’ could you tell her anything?''
Merel nods and says:’ I will come and safe you now!''
Before Jeremy can respond Merel transports away...
To be continued...
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blackbird creations...©
this is my story i will make about gaia also i may tell about my story that is started 2001 bits and pieces always i will remember my friends always ill remember peopel that donated to me:)
Well thats the old description XD
It contains fun stuff
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Rip Kitterkatz
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Thank you very much Iundi <3
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A writer's greatest gift is the story he hasn't revealed yet.
Ps: I ate your cookies...
Rip Kitterkatz
Questing: Tickets for Prize & Joy to buy a large tutti frutti hat
Trying to find: Oink Chirping Robin
Random stuff on my wishlist (April 22nd '18 )
Thank you very much Iundi <3
Looking for mini metro from current humble bundle
A writer's greatest gift is the story he hasn't revealed yet.
Ps: I ate your cookies...
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