Today I just had to run. Run from everything going on today. Some times I feel that if I keep running nothing bad can catch up to me. I ran to fast and hard futher then ever about 15 miles. I just kept going I felt I couldn't stop. I ran back to camp and collasped on my bed until breackfast. We played the boys 1st team today and kicked their but bad, 26-7. My student couch is also another problem, he's cute and all but he's like 18 and well,I'm not. He keeps flirting with me and checking me out, It kinda weirds me out sometimes. A few days ago I went for my 5 am run and he ran with me half way before he said he had to turn back.
I also miss my friends. I like all my camp friends but I miss some people here ( you know who you are) and How they talk and how we can connect. I know I'm only 17 but life just seems so weird at the moment. Everything seems to be changing again and life is spinning around. I've also been having som odd dreams latley about growing up and meeting a guy who is just perfect for me, but then I wake up and think he's not really out there. Is he?
![]() sacora Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
O well well done. + curse the guys team!! I tell u they're just playing with ya. YIp there gonna get ya hard laterzzz cool
+ GOod luck with the coach xd and about the 17 Yip everything changes.....Well almost