Gaia username: Zero Justice315
Character's name: Justice
Age: Appears 18, but is actually hundreds of years old
Race: Angelic Human
Weapon: Sword he carries
Sibilings: Zero, younger brother and Hope, younger sister.
Crush(es): None

Best described: Friendly, mature, calm, doesn't show a lot of emotion, insanely smart
Bio: He came to Z3R0 because he was bored and needed to find something to do.
Powers: He has the power to mess people up with his eyes mentally, he is 100x more powerful than a normal human normally, has one form of release, and can control golden energy.
Gaia username: Zero Justice315
Character's name: Legend
Age: Appears 20, but is thousands of years old
Race: Human turned immortal
Weapon: Sword
Sibilings: None
Crush(es): None

Best described: Calm, friendly, intruging
Bio: He came from Z3R0 to side with Zero and Justice in case they needed any help.
Powers: He can control stars, wield a sword, control plasma, and use latin spells
Gaia username: Zero Justice315
Character's name: Zero
Age: Appears 18, but is at least 50 years old
Race: Angelic Human
Weapon: Fists plus sword he summons
Sibilings: Justice, older brother. Hope, younger sister

Best described: Friendly and shows a lot of emotion, unlike his brother
Bio: Came back from Z3R0 for Sasuke, to protect her.
Powers: He can control all 4 basic elements, has one release form, and is 100x more powerful than a normal human in all five senses and control white energy.
Gaia username: Zero Justice315
Character's name: The Creator
Age: Appears 14, but is thousands of years old
Race: Human turned immortal
Weapon: His mind
Sibilings: None
Crush(es): None

Best described: Nice, powerful, creative
Bio: He is the one that created Zero and Justice.
Powers: He can bend time and space to his will, and do just about anything he wants, though he doesn't fight often anymore.
Gaia username: Zero Justice315
Character's name: Mercy
Age: Appears 20, but is really 50+ years old.
Race: Demon
Weapon: Sword fused with energy
Sibilings: None

Best described: Evil, demanding, shallow
Bio: She was created by The Creator as a member of Justice's team, but turned on them when Justice killed her best friend.
Powers: Can use her energy to expand, shape, and control her blade, making any animal she chooses. Incredibly fast.
Gaia username: Zero Justice315
Character's name: The Dark One
Age: Appears 18, but is actually thousands of years old
Race: Darkness demon
Weapon: Darkness
Sibilings: None

Best described: Dark, powerful, stealthy
Bio: She was created by The Creator so he had something to fight hundreds of years ago. She killed three of The Creator's teammates.
Powers: Full control of Darkness
Gaia username: Zero Justice315
Character's name: Hope
Age: Appears 13, but is actually 20-30
Race: Plant wielder, part demon
Weapon: Plants
Sibilings: Justice and Zero
Crush(es): None

Best described: Girly, cutesy, gets angered easily
Bio: Was created by The Creator... probably just to tick Zero and Justice off.
Powers: Has full control over any plant, and can make them from her skin. Gives off pink energy.