The Classic Vampire
Name: Shyamel
Hair: Jet black
Eyes: Blood Red
Physique: Muscular with ivory skin
Why he loves you: "You're so understanding and compassionate, how could I not love you? I've never met anyone like you, you're dark and mysterious... I can't get enough of you. Plus you're tough and hardcore, not like most human girls. You're amazing, plain and simple."
Part-time job: Uh, does being a vampire count?
One word that describes him: Jaded
His love is: Intense and darkly romantic
Born on the night of an eclipse, Shyamel was endowed with powerful abilities. He can morph into shadows, transform into a Bateleur Eagle, and has superhuman strength and speed. His parents are practicing vampires, as he is too. He speaks little of his feeding practices, but has sworn to you he will never hurt you. He lives in a type of communal vampire house out in the middle of the woods, where the vampires gather together and live, with their own hierarchy and culture. At school, he is aloof and a loner, only a few people dare to talk to him. Shyamel just seems to emanate this aura of absolute power and darkness, humans seem to have an instinctual fear of him. Your friends are wary of Shyamel, and there are lots of rumors going around about him. Of course, only you know the truth... He's kept trying to convince you that he's no good for you, but you vehemently deny this; your heart has never been so enraptured by someone before. Once, you two were out in the park, stargazing, and dozens of strange black eagles were flying overhead, veiling the sky. "What are those?" you asked in awe. Shyamel smiled, his blood red eyes glimmering with amusement. "They're my friends," he replied. You snorted. "Yeah right! Shyamel; the Bird Whisperer! I can see you with your own show on Animal Planet." you say, sarcastic. "Fine, you don't believe me? Then watch this!" Shyamel says, and in an instant his body is shrinking and changing. "Oh my God," you whisper, sitting before Shyamel; now a Bateleur eagle. He caws in response, and with one powerful pump of his wings he takes off; joining his flock in the sky. Later that night; just before you're going to bed, you hear a tap on your window. Opening it, you find Shyamel in bird form perched outside your window. "Shyamel! Come on in, you must be freezing!" You say as he swoops down into your room. Suddenly, he transforms back, only this time he has huge ebony wings. "I have to show you something incredible!" he says, grabbing you around your waist and flying off into the night. "What the heck!?!" you exclaim as he spirals up a thermal. "Look up," he says, motioning towards the sky. You look up; gasping in awe. The sky is a brilliant symphony of colors; there's a meteor shower! Countless falling stars are sweeping across the horizon. "It's gorgeous!" you say. Shyamel gazes into your eyes. "Almost as beautiful as you," he says, pressing his lips to yours; full of hot desire and passion. The two of you kiss, and time seems to melt away. Who knew vampires were such good lovers?