There is nothing amusing about a fat, Jewish girl attending Calhoun Highschool with only two talents: Complaining, and Retaining useless information.
"Those shoes are nice." -Me
"Yeah, that's hot." - Paris Hilton
"Yeah, i'm very sexually attracted to those shoes. I'm glad you agree." -Me
Hey, does anyone know when report cards are coming to ruin my holiday and life? Cause i've already begun my anxiety-eating and it'd be a shame to run out of time to gain more than twenty pounds before December's over.
"That's really stupid." -Kevin
"Your face is really stupid." -Me
I wonder why old people can't stop pooping themselves.
"It's an amazing amount of people who hate me." -Me
"Somehow I'm not surprised." -Sam
Why do people suck? I mean, even Buddha basically told all of his followers, "Look, guys...I've done some research and stuff...and...humanity sucks balls. I mean...really, really sucks. So...all existence is suffering and torture because humanity sucks balls so hard. Good luck with that, guys." one has changed. Did people listen to him and go like, "Ya know, Phill, Martin doesnt believe in Buddha." and then Phill went, "Let's beat the crap out of him." ...? Are we really all that retarded?
*says immensely sweetly* "So, could you please bring my books back tomorrow, cause I really need them." -Me
"Yeah, sure." -Joe
*turns around and mutters* "So that I can get out of this ******** stupid relationship." -Me
*lol* "That's so mean." -Holl
"Yeah, but it's the truth. I don't want to have to socialize with him anymore, but he has my books. If I stop being friendly with him now, then I'll never get my books back and I want those goddamn books." -Me
I'm exhausted. Maybe cause I'm fat. I dunno, but I have trouble like...staying awake now. I need a million hours of sleep. Actually. That's not sleep. That's a coma. I need a coma now. I need a coma before I get up to go to school. But I'm alwasy exhausted and dreary. Maybe because I'm always so ******** depressed. You know what I hate? When people ask, "Why are you depressed?" ...why am I depressed? It could be a million reasons! You've got to be retarded to ask someone that! You think that you're anymore consoling than the therapist they're probably seeing? You think they're gonna go, "Well, I didnt tell any of my loved ones or friends, but I'll tell you. My parents beat me."
That's stupid. So when people eavesdrop into my conversations over how depressed I am and how soon enough I will be medicated heavily and jack-holes turn to me and go, "Why are you depressed?" I think, Well, a** McGee, I'm depressed because life sucks. I hate people, humanity and basically every element of living. That is why I am unhappy. But instead I will reply, "Who the ******** are you?"...but I suppose I should start sticking up for what I believe in by getting those annoying people to stop. So maybe instead I'll reply, "I'm half Platapus."
That'll leave 'em confused, eh?
"I wish I could measure what is truly knowledge by the universe's relativity to my life." -Me
"That's cool, you want Diet Coke?" -Kevin
"Yeah, okay." -Me
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