The Queen of the Pirates
 Rp Name~Marissa Dae Caerrie Age~23 Gender~Female (duh) Race~Half elven Talents~Thievery Flaw~like most fire users, she tends to burn out quickly, but she lasts longer than others of her kind. Side~Pirate Personality~ Their Queen is a very polite and refined lady She carries the air of nobility along with her. Marissa demands a clean attitude and respect when addressing her, but otherwise, she could care less what anyone does. She demands people to be polite in her presence, and if not you are dead. But inside that polite refined lady runs the blood of a fiery warrior who is always blood lusting. Bio~ Marissa's father was a very important man. The head counselor to the Late King Edmund, he was exiled when the King discovered that he had married a Rona. Marissa was born in the middle of a storm, which kind of suits her. Beautiful, but dangerous. She resents the empire, but hides it well. Outwardly, her and the King are merely friendly rivals, but there is much more, bitter hatred buried deep down. She had spent all her life drifting from ship to ship, until she discovered the joy of leading many men against the Empire. Element~Fire Elemental Catalyst~ Her gun, which only fires blanks. And yet this does not make it any less dangerous. The brimstone flick in the gun sets a spark that she can mould to her fancy. Basically, her hobby is to shoot fireballs at people. Armor~ LIKE HELL AM I WEARING LEATHER! None, I guess . . . Armor's description~She has a thick cloth bustier, lined with lace, a white jacket, adorned in gold, and lined clam diggers. Anything more you would like to add!~ not yet . . .
Allison Grey · Sun Nov 11, 2007 @ 01:10am · 0 Comments |