i woke up at 1 and ziggy called me and told me she had giftz 4 me and then we were gonna pik skyler up. ziggy gave me 2 dragon toyz and then we went 2 pick up skyler. skyler got out and we went 2 the after school spot, and inztead of going 2 her dadz we were heading towardz her momz. i had 2 stop off at home 2 get money 4 gaz and then we went 2 her momz 4 dinner. after dinner we watched tc and moviez till i had 2 go home, and skyler and me cuddlez the entire time. i loved having her right next 2 me. at one point she let me cuddle with her between her legz with my head on her stomach, it waz really comfy. skyler started 2 get really tired and i had 2 go home at 9 30 kuz she waz gonna pazz out. 2day waz really great and i love cuddlez with skyler on endlezz hourz