Ok.. I have to get this off my chest and I need to know if anyone else experiences this. Or maybe they just want to single me out or something.. Oh, or if you know the reason. confused
I went it a game franchise. (will try to keep the name out of it.) whee Anyway, I went to the mall to get a game that just came out. I didn't see it if they had it in so I went to the counter to ask the two guys that worked there to see if they had it in. I was at the counter, no line, and I hate to interrupt people when they are talking, but they where working and thought it wouldn't be to rude to ask. I politely let then talk for enough time to end a conversations or excuse themselves, but they kind of glanced at me while they were talking.
I said, "Hey, what's up? Umm... can I ask you about a game really quick?"
They started by saying sure and what game they got it punched in and low and behold they didn't have it in, and ask, kind of annoyed, "Is there anything else?"
I answer, "Well, ... Do you guys know the release date of Mario Galaxy?" biggrin
One guy scoffed at me and the other raised his eye brow and said, “Only children play the Wii, you should get a Xbox 360 they‘re better.” scream (hopeing that to be a more shocked smiley that a scream) I really think he was trying to insult me, but I thought I’ll give him the benefit-of-the-doubt and assume he was trying to sell me an Xbox 360. stare
I rolled my eyes, and said, “I have one, but there aren’t any games on it that I like yet.” rolleyes
“Oh! You must be waiting for Halo, right?! That comes out (he‘s spouts some date that I didn‘t care enough to remember)…” and he rambles on about how he’s going to get it and how cool it’ll be, then sees that I could not care less turns to his co-worker and talks to him about it. Now they guy is completely ignoring me. So I left to go find another game franchise location. Nearly the same thing happens there, but without the halo talk and a different insult. I was asking about Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and he said, as soon as I asked, “You know Nintendo relies to much on Mario and Pokemon they should just focus on the games!” eek
I responded, “So, Playstation relies on Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts…” I paused a moment to inhale or did something to make it seem like I was done talking, because he butted right in with, “Well, Xbox doesn’t rely on anything, it’s just a great system.” mad
I really didn’t want to start anything with the game guy cashier, so why did I have to say it. “What about Halo? Look, I just wanted that game, I didn’t want to get pulled into a nerd fight,” because he really wanted to respond, “So I’m going to go, ok.” I said this on the way to the door, while he was saying something about Halo and Xbox and how it was so much more better then what I was getting.
That was about 2 or 3 months ago… the incident that brought this up will have to wait for the next time. I think this is a really long entry as is. sweatdrop
Quote of the Day:
"No blood. No sticky, hot, messy, awful blood; no blood at all. Why hadn't I thought of that? No blood. What a beautiful idea!"
Quote from last.. I'm not sure they told me Jack a**, but I want it as my senior quote...
And the quote before last is from Muppet Treasure Island. I think it was from Rizo or Gonzo.
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Through the eyes of a free spirit....
I'll write whatever comes to mind.... oh and beware spoilers, spelling errors, random babble, and random references. -_-! oh and the random text faces, too.
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