^ | Sir Misses Gordan Poppycock Steinenburg Smith
Sir Misses Gordan Poppycock Steinenburg Smith is your average princess/ex-fellon/fish/man whore/bird/demon/half-demon/priestess/cowboy/cop/part-time insurence salsemen with a troubled past. She/he puts on his/her pants four tentacle things at a time just like the rest of us. Sir Misses Gordan Poppycock Stienenburg Smith can relate to everyone, everyone including drug addicts, alcoholics, people with AIDS, midgets, people with birth defects, poeple with facial deformities, dead people, amusement park workers, any one who has ever thrown up, fat people, models, costco employees, animals, people from third-world countries, people with polio, and Zach Braff. Yes Sir Misses Gordan Poppycock Stienenburg Smith really does have the best stories to tell, like the time he/she ate pizza off the ground, and when the stock market crashed. Sir Misses Gordan Poppycock Stienenburg Smith was even there when i-pods took over the earth and enslaved the human race. Sir Misses Gordan Poppycock Stienenburg Smith really is just like any other person whether they're a sea captain or a lady bug. Sir Misses Gordan Poppycock Stienenburg Smith is so great because Sir Misses Gordan Poppycock Stienenburg Smith cares. ......the more you know.....
closet cat · Wed Oct 17, 2007 @ 12:32pm · 0 Comments |