Kya, it's so cute! You've gotten a lot better at doing proportions and stuff, and I like that you made her lanky like that. Very hip.
Why the sailor theme...? XD
sprinkledonuts Community Member
Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 02:31am
XD because she's a pirate (hence the pirate hat) sailing on the pirate ship! And... all the other song lyrics I can remember are either corny love lyrics that don't apply to this, or depressing. And... my avatar doesn't really look depressed, especially not in this picture. >.< It's from Descendants of Darkness book 5... it's what Watari sings~! XD
Kaetia Community Member
Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 03:22am
That's so kewwwwwt!
Waaait... Does this mean you intend to create a love and/or sex change potion?
sprinkledonuts Community Member
Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 08:53am
XD sank you! n.n and erm... no. I'm already struggling with chemistry as it is. No way I'm attempting a sex change potion (that by the way I don't want) or DEFINITELY not alchemy. >.<
the-fearless_leader Community Member
Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 06:21pm
cute.mabe you can write little kids books?HAPPY BIRTHDAY! wahmbulancepirateidea4laughcheese_whinebiggrin
i am fearless leader and i will rule the world one day.