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Auliro's Wonderous World of... Nothing You Care About ^_^
So... I haven't writen it yet so I don't know what this is about. But I like to rant, and ramble, and talk to myself. I suppose those will be major factors. I'm also fond of bragging, cause I'm kinda arrogant, so that will probably be there, too. Wha
Time Online.
I find it interesting how you can tell what time I'm online just by looking at when I post my journal entrees, because it's pretty consistant. A few days are later than other, after ten, but some are just normalish.

Okay, so that's not really the topic. What is? *thinks* I'll get back to you on that.

This morning... I wished I fixed my alarm clock. I have my sterio come on early in the morning, so it wakes me up, but there's no snooze to turn it off for 9 minutes, so I can't just go back to sleep. For some reason the clock in my room got unplugged, and I've been too lazy to fix it. I'll probably clean my room tomorrow and take care of that then. I need to vacume my floor and set things up all nice and purdy like. And make my bed. All the blankets are always crumpled up, and while I can burrow into them when I go to bed, it's not the prettiest sight. But that's my room for you. I rearanged it awhile ago, and haven't put everything (all the knick nacks) back in place yet. So I have to get into some boxes and find some things. vacume first. then maybe carpet clean, do some laundry, make my bed, set up my dresser... maybe a few other things. Just the basic stuff, shouldn't take too long. I also need to clean the kitchen, but I don't think I'll get that ambitious. Here's hoping I am.

Oh, and I need to walk my dog! We actually have four dogs. Bingo, vader, Roxy and Marty. Our first was Scooby, but we had to put him to sleep because he bit one of the kids our neighbor babysits. It was the kids' fault, he was taunting our dog, but still. We can't have a dog who bites people. It was sad though, Scooby was a good dog. However,

Bingo has always been my favorite. He was the second, after Scooby, it was just the two of them for a while. He's black and brown, with a floppy ear and he always seems to be grinning. He's getting old, and his nose is greying a little, and he doesn't run as much, but he still loves fetch. that's his favorite thing it the world. Just playing fetch with us, or going for walks, or snuggling with us. He's such a good dog. Roxy's a little b***h. Litteraly, and figuratively. She's my sister's, three or four months old. She's sooooo hiper, a boarder coalie (sp?) pure bread, but without the papers to prove it. She's cute, but she's always getting under foot, sneaking food, sometimes has accidents. She's soooo annoying. Marty is the last. You see, we have "sucker" written above our door and strays always seem to find us. We're just lucky like that. This one my sister found, while out walking Vader (who was first in state last year in his category in 4H. That's a big deal, and very spiffy). She spotted this insanly skinny dog in the woods, who was so nice, and well behaved, and she brought him home. Marty's potty trained, he didn't jump on furniture (we changed that, he's allowed to sit with us) he didn't break into garbage. He's really really sweet. Whoever left him is an a**. (we're animal nuts, and I don't want another pet. Until at least 4 of ours are gone. Did I mention we have 2 cats, 2 birds, and at least 6 fish?)

But that's not about today. Today I read a lot. The Color Of Water by James McBride. Good book. Sad book. It had a happy ending, but it was sad. I dislike a lot of those classic history books, or just clasics in genral, because they have such sad endings. Great Gatsby, Animal Farm, any classic about black people in america. Great reads, just so depressing at times. Or not. Really depends on my mood. I really do like the books though. All the required reading at school, I bought my own copies. I need to pic up one of this.

Hey, I also have to finish my application! I'm almost done, came up with a topic I may be able to use for my essay. That's the thing holding me back. The rest I plan to do this weekend. I'm not gonna talk about this weekend. I'll have plenty of time for that this weekend.

But today, today I had a CWM meeting (creative writing magazine.) I'm the co-Senior-Editor. My friend Kim is also one. My friend Kathy is the Art-Editor. We're the 3 chief people. It's cool being important. I have to make posters, find some old clothes boxes, and get some announcements up on the announcements. xd that sounds funny. Anyway, I have work to do for that club. I think I'll put Napping Pine Cones in the magazine. (post before this.)

Also... what did I do... I thought of it a minute ago. I know that I didn't do much. I have a math assingment to do, tottmo yasashi. I have something for APG, a current event report. I just have to find the story I want to use. I'm working on that now, making the writing go a little slower than I'd like. Then... um... that's it for tonight, I think. I did the science assingment in class. *sighs*

Watched Survivor with my step dad. We do that every week. Except last week. I had a killer head ache then, could think, couldn't move. Felt like throwing up. Ended up sleeping it off. For 2 hours. Felt better when I woke up. Right now I'm watching Ever After. Not a bad movie, not great either, but it's on. And I know it's story so I don't have to pay attention to it.

Oh, I wrote my host mum today after school! I was able to get on my step dad's comp and he's got cable internet access so he's on all the time. The rest of us aren't nearly so lucky. AOL is a pain, isn't it? *pats computer* just don't break down on me while I insult you. Anyway, I haven't written her recently enough, not for over a month. crying That's so mean of me. But I made her and my host dad a blanket. White and blue, took me most the summer. I want to make another for me, black and green, or black and purple. Probably black and purple. (Can you tell it's my favorite color?) But I'm so happy I finally wrote. I know she likes that, it'll make her happy. I went to Japan in case you were wondering.

But I can't remember if I did anything else of importance today. I'm petting my cat now. Her name is Neko. That's Japanese for cat. She's getting fat. *pets her soon to be really fat cat* You need a diet baby. *Huggles Neko* Just stop walking on my computer stuff!!

Maybe she'll type for you some time. She does that. If she does I'll give it it's own paragraph so that everyone can read it. Not that a bunch of random letters can be read.... but it will be a tribute to my cat. The other cat's Pepper. He's shy, and sitting on the couch. He's furrier. They're both black. We litterally saved pepper from the uthination room. (spelt wrong, but the room at the pound where they put animals to sleep.) We went to find the cats we wanted the night before we got them, and when we went back the next day, one of the cats we'd choosen was sick, the other wasn't there. So we asked about the one that was gone, my mom was all worried, and the nice lady went and checked on him. And he was just about to be put to sleep. Like, they had the needle thing ready. The lady was really mad that someone didn't mark the cat as wanted. She got really mad at someone because we were about to not be able to get him, and he was such a nice cat. We also got a kitten (neko) because we didn't want the sick cat. Now we're happy, with our lucky black cats.

I'm gonna go work on homework, thanks for reading if you did. blaugh

Auliro ^^

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Oct 22, 2004 @ 08:41am
and the rambling continues... yes scoobors was a good dog TwT he was so nice. This time make sure that Bingo doesn't get away from you and chase the duck thought that probably only happen cuz i was there <.<;; yeah >.>;; your dog likes to chase them ducks.

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