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Bad day....[9/1/07, Saturday]
well, today wasnt like, "omfg, this is the worst day ever!" i just had a few bad things happen to me today...
well first was when i was at my friend, Shelby's house. that accually was really fun accept for one incedent.
we were in the hottub in her backyard with some water ballons that were left over from the war just before we got in. We had all started naming some of the balloons so i had this small blue one that i called.."Jeffery"
anyway, one of the people who were invited, Meaghan, stole jeffery and thru it to britney. Then she thru it to Karla and she accidently over shot it and it went over to the other side of the tub. There were metal stands holding plants on the other side of the tub were jeffery was. So britney hurried to get it and i jumped out of the side of the hottub trying to get it too. She accidently bumped into me and my left foot slipped on the wet stone tile and slid into one of the metal stands. One of the legs got stuck in between my toes and i fell over, screaming because it felt like it peirced my foot! It accually took some force to get the leg of the stand out from my toes! i was rly relieved to see my foot wasnt bleeding, but it hurt so much.
needless to say, i got jeffery back, but now my toe is blue and swollen. And i had this odd craving to chew on something... o.0
so yea, i got painful bruises between my big, second, and third toe and i probrably wont be able to wear sandls for a few days...

And also, later that day we went to check out the house that we are planning to move into this saturday. I dont like blue prints anymore cause they showed the rooms to be much bigger than what they accually were! the room i got is smaller than the on i have now. The only difference is i have my own bathroom. it was either that or having a slightly larger room but having to share the bathroom with my brothers...and the older one uses it in the morning and takes forever so i cant take one >3<
and whats worse, i have to go to a different school. a school where i dont kno ANYBODY!
its gonna be hard to make any friends seeing as im not that social, especialy when im not around any of my friends.... T.T
and i have some of the best friends ive ever had at the school i go to now, and im gonna miss them terribly!
I'm really scared to go to this new school and i dont want to go, but of course i dont have any say in the matter! D=<
the only good thing is that theres a local pool where im moving and more kids (mainly boys from what i saw) in the neighborhood, which im not too thrilled about considering what happened back in tennessee when we knew and talked to our neighbor....id rather not talk about it publicly, but if u want to kno what it was and your my friend i will decide if i want to tell you or not.
so im just not happy about this move AT ALL! >.<

anyway, thats what happened to me today that was accually, if just a lil bit, intresting....

User Comments: [5]
Community Member

Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 05:07pm

Railyn that is a very touching sad story and I'm going to miss you to, and I want you to know that I love you like a sister and we can always see each other.

Community Member

Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 11:26pm

something like that happen to me expect it was a 300 pound block of cement that crusded my finger and poped them with blood coming out what was worst i had to sleep with them like that till i can go to a hospital

Community Member

Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 11:36pm

o.0 ouch!

Mother Keika
Community Member

Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 01:46am

Aaaaaaw,poor Ray T-T
You're a very strong girl to laugh about this

Community Member

Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 08:41pm

I remember that day,
I though the metal stand went throught your foot.
It scared me to death.
Tori almost puked because I didn't want to look.
It wasn't as bad as I though.

I miss you to.
We need to see each other.
Are you going to see Tori anytime soon?
If you do..I wanna come.
I am inviting meself. Bad girl!
Oh well. We are good friends!

User Comments: [5]
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