Menek was a great warrior who fought along side Beowulf, but was slain by the powerful troll named Grendel by him throwing him off of a cliff into the jagged rocks below. 300 years later, Menek was brought back to life by Odin for an unknown purpose he had to fulfill. Not to his knowledge, his corpse drifted all the way to the eastern part of Japan. There he was a wonderer for quite some time, trying to find out why he was sent here by Odin. An empress named Keerari looked down and saw this pale complected man, and found him fascinating because he looked so unique compared to all the rest of the towns people. The great city was under attack many a time by soldiers weilding giant death stars, not knowing still who was attacking them and why, but Keerari felt at ease with this person for some reason. Menek became friends with her, and as time passed, he began to fall in love with her, but Keerari's true intentions were not clear. Soldiers once again attacked the city and though Menek fought valiantly, he was slain with by a shuriken stabbed into his back. Once Keerari found Menek's corpse, it tremendously angered her, showing her true form as a yokai. She was a kyuubi no kitsune (nine tailed fox). She brutally attacked and killed all but one of the soldiers, following in secret where he went. Finding out they were not soldiers, but a clan Gaiaohs who sworn alliegance to their emperor long ago. Keerari realized in small talk between the Gaiaohs that they were attacked by the kitsune's over one hundred years ago and they over took their city. Keerari didn't understand, but didn't care. The Gaiaohs killed a good friend of hers, and they weren't going to be pitied for just because of a misdeed over a hundred years ago. All of the Gaiaoh clan was slain that night by Keerari, and too this day, Keerari has sworn to protect the city folk which is now in Osaka. And keeps an eye on all mysterious people that may come pass by.
:Okay... So, my avi changed alittle. It used to look like a viking and everythin, but now I'm goin with this look. I kinda like it better. I shouldve posted a picca of it on here, but ah well. *sigh*:
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“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”
- Lao Tzu
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”
- Lao Tzu