[Since 7/7/07]
Hello, all! This is the new place for my Avi Edits and stuff! Well, for now, anyway. I might move it again. =P
Please, do not steal any of these items. I paid for them, and you would be stealing if you took them. D; That includes the freebies too! But HAHA, you don't know which one's they are, so either way, you can't take anything! [Sticks tounge out at you in a meanie way] xDD
Please, do not steal any of these items. I paid for them, and you would be stealing if you took them. D; That includes the freebies too! But HAHA, you don't know which one's they are, so either way, you can't take anything! [Sticks tounge out at you in a meanie way] xDD