wahmbulancewahmbulance DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE MINDLESS RANTING wahmbulancewahmbulance
Okay people, it's ranting time!
So far, it seems like everyone I know is in a state of depression, sadness, or suicidal thoughts. Its really starting to wear on me. I mean, its like everyone has chosen january to decide to want to hurt/kill themselves.
They usually tell me they think they have no point in living, the pain is to great, I can;t carry on. The truth is, I'm sick of it. I know its ''mental'' and all but seriously, there are so many other people out there that have it worse and are STILL TRYING TO LIVE!
*sigh* I'm frustrated with everything. They decide to tell me, and its like ''WTF O__O'' so I'm stuck there, trying to comfort them, while they say ''Noone would miss me anyway.'' Well did they ever think about ME?! I'm the one they just came to and I'm OBVIOUSLY trying to make them think logiacally. ITS SOMETHING YOU CAN NEVER TAKE BACK!
Do they not understand that?!
Do they understand all the pain it puts others in?! THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO LIVE FOR!
Ugh. End of my rant. I'm tired, and frankly, if one more person tells me they want to kill themselves, and they land themselves in the hospital, they better hope they die, because what I'll do to them will be so much worse then death.
Locosaurus · Community Member · Sun Jan 13, 2008 @ 06:15am