Cummulatively, I am creating this poll to discuss my favorite RPG and to find out which character is the most popular!!! So, feel free to discuss any aspect of the game, including the most important, why you like the character you voted for!!! wink My favorite character is Kratos, based on the sole reason of his cool personality and character traits!

Pivotal Point *Spoiler?*
As most have noticed, there is a "pivotal point" in the game where, either you continued the game with Zelos or you slayed him in favor of Kratos. Which path did you embark upon? Obviously, I slayed Zelos. wink
My usual team included Lloyd (as myself, as I was retarded when it came to the other characters/Kratos (switch to Zelos when I had to, but reverted back to him when I had the choice/Sheena (extra power)/Raine (universally used and nobody can turn down a healing)
Rules And Guidelines
1) Follow the Gaian ToS. (Terms of servie, not to be mistaken with Tales of Symphonia or the Tower of Salvation. )
2) No harrasing, or being in any way rude to someone. Which also includes no swearing AT PEOPLE please.
3) No advertising or asking for gold. We're not donating to your freaking quest already! We have our own things we want! Earn money on your own! (An ecception to this rule is that you can have links in your siggy and you can post a link somwhereupon someone's request.)
4) Spellling and grammar (incliudes punctuation) are always appriciated. Note my post if you don't get what I'm talking about.
5) Instead of posting and leaving, it's appriciated (but not required) to stay and chat (not argue) about the topic at hand.
6) Put all spoilers in WHITE! People have had the plot-line RUINED by inconsiderate people who were to lazy or forgetful to hide major plot-twists.
7) This isn't really a rule, but uhhhh...... folllow the rules.
This may seem like a lot of rules, but it's really not that hard.
*Credit to Flufie (co-moderator) wink
Co-moderators: (signature pics coming very soon!)

Pivotal Point *Spoiler?*
As most have noticed, there is a "pivotal point" in the game where, either you continued the game with Zelos or you slayed him in favor of Kratos. Which path did you embark upon? Obviously, I slayed Zelos. wink
My usual team included Lloyd (as myself, as I was retarded when it came to the other characters/Kratos (switch to Zelos when I had to, but reverted back to him when I had the choice/Sheena (extra power)/Raine (universally used and nobody can turn down a healing)
Rules And Guidelines
1) Follow the Gaian ToS. (Terms of servie, not to be mistaken with Tales of Symphonia or the Tower of Salvation. )
2) No harrasing, or being in any way rude to someone. Which also includes no swearing AT PEOPLE please.
3) No advertising or asking for gold. We're not donating to your freaking quest already! We have our own things we want! Earn money on your own! (An ecception to this rule is that you can have links in your siggy and you can post a link somwhereupon someone's request.)
4) Spellling and grammar (incliudes punctuation) are always appriciated. Note my post if you don't get what I'm talking about.
5) Instead of posting and leaving, it's appriciated (but not required) to stay and chat (not argue) about the topic at hand.
6) Put all spoilers in WHITE! People have had the plot-line RUINED by inconsiderate people who were to lazy or forgetful to hide major plot-twists.
7) This isn't really a rule, but uhhhh...... folllow the rules.
This may seem like a lot of rules, but it's really not that hard.
*Credit to Flufie (co-moderator) wink
Co-moderators: (signature pics coming very soon!)