Chapter 5
The atmosphere of number 12, Grimmauld Place was subdued as the members of the Order gathered around the long dining room table in anxious wait for that night's meeting. Tonks looked around the room and saw many faces. Among those faces were Severus Snape, Mad-Eye Moody, Molly and Arthur Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and of course, Dumbledore. Tonks took a seat in one of the dining room chairs, thinking hard about what Harry had told her. She definitely agreed that he should be a part of the Order. He was right. He had proven himself worthy beyond any of the people here tonight. She would keep her word to him and let him in on what was going on, she just hoped she wouldn't lose her job because of it. Tonks sighed heavily and rested her chin on her hand.
"Tonks? Are you alright, dear?" Molly Weasley asked. Molly always had a knack for spotting things like that. Tonks suddenly looked up.
"Yes, I'm fine Molly. Just a bit tired, that's all." Molly frowned.
"Hmm. Fudge is overworking you. You should demand some time off." she replied. Tonks smiled weakly.
"Really Molly, I love my work. I'm not happy unless I'm out there catching dark wizards." Tonks said. Molly just shook her head and turned around to help Arthur fix his tie. Suddenly, Dumbledore stood up and everything went silent.
"I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight." he began. "As always, I like to begin our meetings with updates, questions and concerns from our members. Who would like to voice their opinions first?" A few hands went up, including Tonks'.
"Yes Tonks?" Dumbledore said.
"I think Harry should be a part of the Order." Tonks said bluntly. There were mixed reactions to this comment. Molly and Dumbledore were frowning in disapproval, however Shacklebolt and Moody were nodding their heads in agreement. Severus had no reaction, but merely observed the others cautiously.
"You know why we can't allow Harry a place in the Order." Dumbledore told her sternly.
"Actually I don't." Tonks replied calmly. "None of us do. Legally, he could join. He's been emancipated. Yet you continue to keep him out of the loop when everyone here knows that he is the key to winning this war." Even Molly couldn't argue at that point. Murmurs of agreement could be heard around the room. Dumbledore did not look pleased at how this meeting was going.
"Be that as it may, it is still much too dangerous for him. I am only looking out for Harry's best interests." Dumbledore replied. Something about the way he said it made Tonks feel uneasy. She chose to ignore the prickling feeling at the back of her neck.
"I happen to agree with Dumbledore, Tonks. Harry is still just a child, no matter what the documents say. He's not ready for this." Molly said tearfully. Tonks rose and stood over Molly.
"Who fought Voldemort and lived at the age of eleven? Who killed a fifty foot basilisk at twelve? Who conjured a coporeal patronus to ward off a bunch of dementors at thirteen? Who dueled Voldemort and transported Cedric Diggory's dead body back to Hogwarts at fourteen? Who saw their godfather die and still manage to fight off a pack of Death Eaters at fifteen? Did any of you?" she said, looking around the room. Everyone reluctantly shook their heads. Harry's words had ingrained themselves in her mind. They had been powerful enough to convince her, but would they be powerful enough to convince Dumbledore? Moody rose to his feet.
"Tonks is right. That boy's suffered and survived more than all of us put together! I say let Potter in!" he growled. Tonks smiled. At least she had convinced one person. Others in the room started muttering and nodding their heads in agreement. However, Dumbledore was not about to let this continue.
"No!" he said severely, bringing all the muttering to an abrupt halt. "Tonks, I appreciate your concerns, but I must override this particular opinion. I'm sorry, but I feel that keeping Harry away from the Order is the best thing for him right now."
"How do you know that?" she asked. "You're always working on some grand plan that includes making Harry a pawn. He's not a pawn. He's a human being who has proven himself to you time and time again, yet you still refuse to acknowledge any of it. Sometimes I wonder if you're actually doing the right thing, or just what you think is right." Dumbledore looked deep in thought, but Molly was outraged.
"Tonks! I can't believe you would accuse Dumbledore of such a thing! He knows perfectly well that Harry isn't a pawn. Dumbledore knows what he's doing, and I support him in all his decisions. Arthur does too! Don't you Arthur?"
"Well... Tonks raises some good points, however -" he faltered at his wife's terrifying glare. "I mean, yes dear." he added quickly and lowered his head. Tonks shook her head and sat down. Apparently, Harry's words had not been powerful enough to convince Dumbledore. Dumbledore cleared his throat and began to speak again.
"It is getting quite late, and since we just spent the better part of this meeting discussing frivolous matters, I see no point in continuing to keep everyone up later than they have to be. This meeting has ended. I wish everyone well." Tonks gave Dumbledore a dirty look. Harry's life was not a frivolous matter in her opinion. As everyone began to get up to leave, Moody clasped a hand on Tonks' shoulder. She looked up.
"It was a good try. Don't take this too hard. If Dumbledore wants to do something, he'll do it no matter what anyone says. You can't blame yourself." he said in his gruff, raspy voice. She sighed and nodded.
"Thanks Mad-Eye. I'll try not to." she replied dejectedly. He left. Tonks remained in her chair for a few moments, then realizing how exhausted she really was, stood up and left for home, thinking of what she was going to tell Harry the next time she saw him.
Harry got out of bed and looked around his room. Bright, morning sunlight was streaming through his window, making the room look more cheerful than usual. He decided to go check on Hedwig and went up a flight of stairs to the now completed aviary. He was surprised to see Bellatrix standing close to one of the tropical trees, gently stroking Hedwig's wings. She was smiling contentedly with sunlight gleaming on her dark hair, illuminating her pale face. Harry smiled in spite of himself.
"You seem better today." he commented. Bellatrix gave a start.
"Oh... I didn't see you there. Yes, I feel better today. You have such a beautiful owl. What's his name?" she continued to stroke Hedwig.
"Actually, it's a female. Her name's Hedwig." Harry answered. Bellatrix nodded. Suddenly, Harry got a whif of bacon and eggs coming from downstairs. "It looks like Dobby and Kreacher made breakfast." he said. "Are you coming down?"
"In a minute or two." Bellatrix replied calmly. Harry nodded and went downstairs.
"Wow! Dobby, you didn't have to cook, you know, but it looks great all the same!" Harry declared as he walked into the kitchen. The large table had several plates of breakfast foods sitting on top of it. The sight made Harry's mouth water. He sat down to eat, and Bellatrix walked in and did the same a few moments later. Dobby and Kreacher sat down at the table as well. Harry had insisted they eat with them as equals. Harry had a question to ask Bellatrix, but he wasn't sure how she would react. He decided to be as casual as he could about it.
"Bellatrix?" he asked timidly.
"Hmm?" she responded as she looked up from her plate.
"I know you did all those awful things against your will, but even so... you still know quite a bit about the Dark Arts, don't you?" Harry held his breath in anticipation. Bellatrix's face darkened.
"Yes." she said guardedly. "Why do you ask?" Harry decided to get straight to the point.
"I was wondering if you could teach me." he replied. Bellatrix choked on her pumpkin juice. She gave Harry a look of absolute astonishment.
"Why on earth would you want to know anything about the Dark Arts?" she snapped.
"I've finally decided that it's time to fight fire with fire. I'm tired of trying to kill Voldemort and failing every time. He needs to be dealt with his own hand. We'll never win otherwise." he said fiercely. Bellatrix tensed slightly at the sound of her old master's name, but let it go. She sighed and put her head in her hands. After a few moments, she looked Harry straight in the eye.
"Harry, you don't know the extent of what you're asking. The Dark Arts destroyed my life. I've only just begun to repair my relationship with my sisters, and my niece still hates me. I never want to go back to that life, and I don't want you to be pulled into it, either." she shook her head and looked away. Harry suddenly had an idea.
"Well, then I guess I'm just going to have to learn on my own." he said casually. That got her attention, he thought. Her head snapped in his direction and her eyes looked panicked.
"What! You can't do that! You'll kill yourself. You're insane if you think this is a safe idea!"
"Well I'm not going to find out any other way, am I?" Harry said cooly. His plan was working brilliantly. Bellatrix closed her eyes for a second and bit her lip. She seemed to be wrestling with her concience. Finally, her eyes snapped open again.
"Alright. I'll teach you, but only because I'm convinced you won't use it for any other purpose than to destroy the Dark Lord." she whispered.
"Thanks." he said simply, returning to his breakfast.
Harry and Bellatrix were sitting in the study, reading. Harry had a Dark Arts book that Bellatrix told him to read and she was reading Witch Weekly. Harry looked at her with raised eyebrows.
"What?" she said quizzicaly, peering over the magazine.
"Why are you reading Witch Weekly?" he laughed. "Are you planning on cooking for Dobby and Kreacher? Or how about knitting a nice quilt for your bed?"
"There are some interesting articles in here, you know." she grinned mischieviously.
"Whatever." Harry chuckled. Just then, a deep knocking on the front door could be heard. "I'll get it." Harry said. He got up from his chair and descended the various long flights of stairs to the foyer. He opened the door.
"Hey Tonks." Harry said. "Come in." He stepped aside for her to enter the house. "Anything to report about the Order?" he asked as they moved towards the sitting area.
"Nothing much to report, I'm afraid." she said sadly. "All we really did was argue about you." she sat down in one of the armchairs, looking defeated.
"Me?" Harry said blankly. Tonks suddenly looked around the room, apparently searching for something.
"She's not here, is she?" Tonks finally said suspiciously. Harry knew she meant Bellatrix.
"No. She's up in the study. She can't hear anything." Harry replied. Tonks nodded and continued.
"Well, I suggested that you be allowed in the Order, but of course, Dumbledore wouldn't hear of it. Molly didn't help the situation, either." Harry felt a sudden surge of anger. Did Dumbledore not care about his opinion, and why couldn't Mrs. Weasley just stop worrying about him all the time? Tonks leaned forward and put her face in her hands. "I'm sorry Harry. I tried, I really did."
"Don't worry about it." Harry replied. "Do you want to stay for a while? I think there's some breakfast still left over, if you want some." Tonks shook her head.
"Thanks Harry, but I need to go. My shift with Shacklebolt starts in an hour. Fudge will want me beheaded if I'm late. Besides, I don't think I can take being around Bellatrix." Harry nodded understandingly. "Bye, Harry." she said.
"Bye." Harry replied as he led her out of the mansion. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He turned around to see Bellatrix standing there with her copy of Witch Weekly under her arm.
"That was Tonks, wasn't it?" she said sadly. Harry wasn't about to lie to her.
"Yeah." he replied. She nodded and looked down at the floor.
"I wish she could find a way to forgive me." Bellatrix said quietly. "Despite everything, she's still my niece and I love her."
"She will in time, I'm sure." Harry replied. He wasn't sure if it was true, but at least it made Bellatrix smile a little. Harry's heart gave an involuntary leap at her smile. He shook it off quickly, but it disturbed him slightly. Suddenly, the room felt very warm to him.
"Erm... well, I think I'm uh... going to go out for a while. Maybe visit Ron." he stuttered.
"Okay. I'll just finish this magazine I guess." Bellatrix replied. Harry nodded and walked out of the mansion. He took a deep breath once he was outside. What was wrong with him? Why had he suddenly felt nervous around her? He decided to try driving his car to the Weasley's house. He figured the drive would help him clear his head.
As he drove up the Weasley's front drive, a curious sight met his eyes. All the Weasleys were scrambling around in the front yard, grabbing all their magical items and shoving them haphazardly into the house. The only person who didn't seem to be in a panic was Ginny, who was standing in the front yard, grinning broadly at Harry. He parked in front of the house and slowly got out of his car, extremely confused.
"What's going on?" he called to them. All the Weasleys immediately stopped their scrambling and turned to look at Harry, dumbstruck.
"Harry!" Ron yelled in amazement. "But... you have a car!"
"Yeah! Like it?" Harry replied, grinning.
"It's wicked." the twins said in unison. Everyone looked impressed with Harry's ferrari. Mr. Weasley was inspecting it from hood to tail lights, frequently muttering things like "absolutely astounding!" or "imagine that!" Molly looked disapproving. She came up to Harry and gave him a warm hug all the same, however.
"Harry, dear. Are you sure this is the best thing for you? I get so worried about you all alone like that." she said with concern.
"It's okay Mrs. Weasley. You don't need to worry about me, I can take care of myself now. No matter what Dumbledore thinks, this is one of the best things that's ever happened to me." Harry replied. Molly nodded but didn't look convinced. Ginny was standing a little way apart from her dad and brothers, admiring the car from afar, rather than closely inspecting it. Harry went over to say hello to her.
"Everyone thought you were a muggle at first, that's why they were all trying to get rid of the magic in the front yard, you know." she told him. "Ron and the others were really mad when they found out someone moved into that huge mansion. They couldn't play Quidditch in the apple orchard anymore." she laughed.
"You didn't tell them?" Harry asked. Ginny shook her head.
"I thought it would be fun to let them find out for themselves." she replied. Harry chuckled.
"I guess they didn't realize the mansion Sirius left me was the same one, then?" he asked.
"Guess not." she shrugged. "Everyone was in a bit of a shock that day. It's not surprising." Harry nodded. "You'd better get them away from that car of yours or you might never get it back." she joked.
"Right." Harry smiled. "Why don't you come see the house with me? Dobby's there. Kreacher, too, but he mostly stays out of the way." Ginny's eyes lit up at the thought of seeing sweet little Dobby.
"Okay." she said. After prying the rest of the Weasleys away from his car, Harry and Ginny climbed inside and took off for the mansion.
"What does the place look like?" she asked him as they zoomed down the road.
"Pretty depressing, actually, but since Dobby and Kreacher have been cleaning it, it looks a lot better, especially with the windows open." he told her. As they pulled up in front of the mansion, Ginny whistled in amazement.
"Wow, Harry. It's beautiful." she declared. Harry could see what she meant. Although the gargoyles and old look of the place had a gothic feel to it, there was something elegant about it.
"Come on in." Harry replied, opening the front door. Ginny stepped into the foyer and looked around in awe.
"Harry, this is really -" She stopped dead in her tracks. Bellatrix had just walked into the foyer from the kitchen. Both of their eyes widened in shock, but Ginny started trembling with fear. They did nothing but stand and stare at each other, both too shocked to speak or move. Harry smacked himself hard in the forehead. How could he have been so stupid to forget how Ginny would react to Bellatrix? He realized he obviously had not thought this plan out all the way through. He could think of nothing to say, except...
"Oh s**t!" he muttered.
Chapter 6
After a few long moments, Ginny plucked up the courage to speak. "Harry... W-why is she here?" she breathed. Harry sighed and motioned for both of them to sit down. They both took a seat in the living area. Once they were all seated, Harry looked at Bellatrix.
"Do you want to explain?" he asked. Bellatrix took a look at Ginny's frightened face and shook her head.
"I think it's best if you explain it to her, Harry." she replied softly. He nodded and took a breath, then began into the long speech about how he had gone to Gringotts to satisfy his curiosity about the marriage contract in Sirius' will, how he had found out that Bellatrix was forced into her marriage and made a slave, proving her innocence, how he had called a Black family meeting to set things straight and how he had offered for her to stay with him until her name was cleared. It took quite a long time to tell the entire story, because Ginny kept interrupting to ask questions. Eventually, she understood the whole situation, but was still not quite sure what to make of Bellatrix.
"How do I know this is true and that Bellatrix really is on our side now?" she asked Harry suspiciously.
"Because I'm telling you it's true and I've never lied to you before." Harry replied simply. Ginny looked wary for a second or two, then finally sighed and nodded.
"Alright." She turned to Bellatrix. "I'll trust Harry's judgement for now, but if you prove his judgement false, don't expect another chance from me or anyone else for that matter." she threatened. Bellatrix bowed her head.
"Thank you. That's all I ask. I'll prove to all of you that Harry has excellent judgement." she winked and smiled at Harry, and once again, his heart leapt in his chest. Again, he shook it off, feeling perturbed. Why did he feel this way? Ginny stood up, still rather pale.
"I think I'll go home now. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about Bellatrix... not yet, anyway." she said. Harry shook his head.
"Don't be thick. It's too far to walk, and you're welcome to stay anyway. I have to check up on Dobby and Kreacher, but I'm sure Bellatrix can show you around until I get back." he replied. Ginny raised her eyebrows, but nodded all the same.
"I guess I can stay." she said. Harry grinned and went to go find Dobby and Kreacher. It took over an hour to scour the house for them, and finally discovered them dusting cobwebs from the high, cathedral ceiling in Bellatrix's room.
"There you are. I've been tearing apart the entire house, looking for you." Harry said as he walked into the room. Dobby turned around with a puzzled expression on his face.
"Why didn't Mr. Harry Potter just call Dobby, sir?" the house elf asked politely. Harry felt extremely stupid for the second time that day.
"Oh... er, right. I can do that, can't I?" Harry replied sheepishly. Dobby nodded. "Well anyway, I just wanted to ask how the cleaning's going."
"Oh, very well, Mr. Harry Potter. Kreacher and Dobby have about half the mansion sparkling." he said with a bow. Over by the window, Kreacher started mumbling.
"Brats, mudbloods, blood traitors, filthy half-breeds..." he spat. Dobby frowned, but chose to ignore him. Harry sat on Bellatrix's bed and chatted with Dobby for the next hour or so. He was really trying to give Ginny and Bellatrix a chance to spend time with each other. Maybe then Ginny wouldn't be so frightened of her.
Dumbledore paced restlessly in front of his desk while a stormy sky thundered and darkened, threatening to release it's fury onto the grounds of Hogwarts. In front of his desk in a poofy armchair sat Minerva McGonagal, looking very concerned.
"Albus! Just calm down. I've never seen you this agitated before, it worries me." Dumbledore stopped pacing and glared at her.
"Minerva, I cannot rest until Harry comes to his senses and realizes that I am trying to help him!" he thundered as menacingly as the sky. Minerva stood up and folded her arms with a cross expression on her face.
"This is absolutely ridiculous! I don't agree with what he's doing, either, but it is still his choice to make." She quavered under the look Dumbledore gave her after those words.
"He is completely out of control! He doesn't even realize how dangerous his actions are! I cannot let this continue, but thanks to the Ministry and Sirius' blasted will, I have no power over him anymore!" he banged his fist on his desk very hard, making Fawkes' empty cage rattle on it's stand. Minerva looked shocked.
"Albus! You're beginning to sound like a crazy person. You know, it's not just me who's worried about you, Tonks voiced her concerns about your judgement to me as well. Apparently, Mad-Eye and Kingsley agree with her. At first, I just laughed it off without much thought, but now I'm beginning to wonder if she has a point." Minerva cried in frustration. That stopped Dumbledore in his tracks. He turned to her with a frightening fury blazing in his eyes, their normally calm, misty blue colour now a cold grey.
"What did she say to you?" he demanded.
"Just that you haven't seemed very stable lately. Anyway, what does it matter to you? If protecting Harry is so important to you, surely you're not worried about what others will say about it?" she replied. Dumbledore leaned heavily on his desk with both hands and hung his head.
"I think you should leave now, Minerva. I have important matters to attend to." he muttered. Something in his voice made Minerva shudder involuntarily.
"I'm beginning to lose my faith in you, Albus." she said quietly before stifling a sob and leaving the Headmaster's office with quick footsteps. Once he was sure she was gone, Dumbledore let out a heavy sigh and slumped in his chair. He conjured a glass and a small bottle of wine. As he poured himself a drink, he looked over to the corner of his office where Fawkes' cage was, noticing for the first time that night that it was empty.
"Stupid bird." he grumbled. "He's never around here anymore."
Harry was cooking dinner over the old fashioned stove, while Bellatrix sat at the table, staring absent-mindedly out the window. Ginny had left hours ago. He gave her a concerned look. "Are you okay?" he asked. She snapped out of her trance and smiled at him.
"I'm fine. Just thinking about things." she replied. She suddenly sniffed the air. "That smells good. What are you making?" she asked.
"Just some chicken and vegetables." Harry told her with a face. "I'm not much of a cook, so don't be surprised if it doesn't taste as good as it smells." Bellatrix laughed. That was the first time he had really heard her laugh, apart from small chuckles here and there. Like everything else about her, it made Harry's heart leap out of his chest.
"I'm sure it will taste alright, Harry. You don't give yourself enough credit." she replied. Harry found himself going very red and quickly turned toward the stove again in an attempt to hide it from Bellatrix. He was now convinced that he had a crush on her, but he knew she wouldn't feel the same way. How could a woman in her mid forties feel anything for a scrawny sixteen year old? There was just too much of an age difference. He sighed as he continued to stir the vegetables. Bellatrix heard him.
"What's wrong?" she asked, her thickly lashed, dark eyes filled with concern. Harry wanted to tell her, but he wasn't stupid enough to actually say it.
"Nothing. Just a long day, that's all." he replied. Bellatrix looked at him suspiciously for a moment, then shrugged and continued to stare into space. After dinner (which actually didn't taste as bad as Harry had expected), Bellatrix yawned and stretched slightly.
"I think I'll head off to bed. See you in the morning." she said.
"See you." Harry replied. She got up from her chair and headed out of the kitchen to go up the stairs to her room. Harry wasn't tired just yet. He decided to read up on that book Bellatrix had given him. He was supposed to be finished it by now, but he hadn't found the time to read it further lately. He headed up to the study to catch up on the reading Bellatrix had given him. He settled in easily and started. He eventually looked up at the clock, and was startled to see that it was precisely midnight, he had been reading for hours. He stretched and got up, feeling slightly stiff from sitting so long.
As he walked down the hall to his bedroom, he passed by Bellatrix's sleeping quarters. The door was slightly ajar. Harry knocked softly, but nobody answered. He went to close the heavy door, but as he did so, caught a glimpse of the interior of her room. There was Bellatrix sleeping soundly in her bed, her dark hair spread out over the pillows, her pale face illuminated by the soft moonlight streaming through her window onto her bed. She no longer looked like a convict on the run from the Ministry. She looked like a happy, carefree young girl who had so much opportunity in life. She looked absolutely beautiful. Harry had to resist a strong urge to kiss her. He slowly closed the door, being careful not to wake Bellatrix. He then continued his walk to his own bedroom, a slight smile playing across his lips.
Chapter 7
As the weeks turned into months and the green and splendour of summer slowly turned into the grey and dead of winter, Harry's Dark Arts training with Bellatrix intensified. She now had him casting dark spells, including the Unforgiveable Curses. Of course, they only practiced on enchanted objects. Harry found it barbaric to practice the Dark Arts on animals or anything else that was alive, and Bellatrix agreed with him. Today's lesson wasn't going as well as he wanted, though.
"No Harry. You're moving your wand the wrong way. Like this." Bellatrix raised one arm behind her in an arc, with her wand hand pointed straight out in front of her, her feet spread out like a warrior about to attack.
"I am doing that!" Harry protested.
"No you're not. Your wand arm is bent slightly, and you're not balancing yourself properly with your feet positions." she sighed. Bellatrix was surprisingly patient with him, but she could become exasperated sometimes.
"Alright. I'll try it again." Harry tried again to position himself how Bellatrix had told him. He glanced over at her with an anxious look on her face. She just raised her eyebrows and shook her head. Apparently, he wasn't doing it right.
"Let's stop for today." she said. "Maybe you'll be able to focus better after a rest."
"No. I can do it now." Harry protested. He didn't want to stop and take a rest. He wanted to get this done right.
"Harry, there's just no point when you're this exhausted! Trust me, being pushed to the brink of exhaustion isn't something I ever want to experience again. I don't want anyone else to experience it, either, least of all you." A shadow fell over Bellatrix's dark, thickly lashed eyes and Harry's heart gave a sympathetic lurch. Of course, Rudolphus' abuse must still be fresh in her mind. Also, he was secretly glad that she cared about him that much. He gave in.
"Fine. I guess I'll go feed Hedwig." he sighed. He left Bellatrix in the vast ballroom to ascend the long flights of stairs to the aviary. Upon arriving at the aviary, Harry noticed that Hedwig wasn't there. He shrugged and walked to his room to change out of his sweaty clothes. As he was pulling on a fresh set of robes, he noticed a letter he had been sent a few weeks ago lying on his dresser. Frowning, he picked it up and read over it again.
Dear Mr. Harry James Potter,
You have been called to a hearing at the Ministry of Magic on September the fifth at precisely 10: 35am to discuss the matter of your recent absence from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Honourable Amelia Bones will be presiding over your hearing. Please do not be late.
Yours Sincerely:
Cornelious Fudge (Minister for Magic)
Harry walked into the courtroom at the Ministry with a determined gait. He immediately sat in the chair in front of the elevated Amelia Bones, who looked kindly down at him. Harry gave a polite nod of his head. Fudge however, merely scowled.
"You are Mr. Harry James Potter, that is correct?" Amelia Bones asked strictly for record keeping purposes.
"Yes, I am." Harry replied.
"Very well. Mr. Potter, you are currently sixteen years of age, that is correct?" she asked.
"Yes." Harry replied.
"You are aware that wizarding law states that all witches and wizards under the age of seventeen must attend school, Mr. Potter?"
"I am." Harry replied again.
"Then why have you neglected to follow wizarding law by choosing to be absent from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for nearly an entire year?" she asked, bewildered.
"With all due respect Mrs. Bones, even though I'm sixteen, I've been declared a legal adult. Therefore, I am legally entitled to choose to end my schooling if I please." Harry replied. All that reading in the study had come in handy for Harry.
"This boy is deliberately defying the law!" Fudge shouted. "He should be arrested at once!"
Amelia Bones gave Fudge a severe stare and Fudge spluttered and reluctantly sat down.
"Thank you for your input Mr. Fudge, but I am the judge here and I will decide whether he is in compliance with the law or not." she said coldly. She then turned to Harry. "Mr. Potter, your circumstances are quite unusual, and I will need a few minutes to look over some things before coming to a decision." she said, before gathering up her notes and walking into a seperate chamber.
She was only gone for five minutes or so, but it seemed much longer to Harry. The entire time, he could feel Fudge's glare penetrating him and it made him rather uneasy. Finally, she reappeared and sat down, scratching her nose in contemplation.
"Mr. Potter, I have done some research into this and it seems your situation falls under the loophole in the law. The law states that any adult may only continue schooling if they so desire, and since you are a legal adult, you are in compliance with the law. You are free to go, Mr. Potter. Thank you for your time." she said politely.
"Thank you, Mrs. Bones." Harry said, relieved. Fudge looked livid and merely stomped out of the room, looking very ill-tempered.
Harry sighed heavily and crumpled up the parchment before tossing it into the wastebin. He turned around to see Bellatrix standing in the doorway.
"Sorry for walking in, but you didn't answer when I knocked. I thought maybe something was wrong." she said with a slight pinkish tinge to her cheekbones. Harry realized that she had been worried about him and barely suppressed a smile.
"Oh... er, no. I'm fine. Just daydreaming, I guess." he replied lamely. He wished he wouldn't get so tongue-tied whenever he had to speak to her. She smiled and nodded.
"Good. Oh, by the way, I actually came up here to apologize to you, Harry." she said.
"Apologize for what?" Harry asked, confused.
"For snapping at you like that down in the ballroom." she replied. "I should have been more patient."
"Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have been so stubborn, either." he admitted. Bellatrix gave a sweet, tinkling laugh that made Harry's heart skip a beat.
"Yes, but the Potters are known for their stubborness, aren't they?" she replied jokingly. Harry chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess we are." he replied.
"That's not always such a bad thing, you know." she smiled, giving Harry a wink before walking back down the main staircase.
Harry sat down on his bed, deep in thought. He knew he had feelings for Bellatrix. He wasn't sure if it was love, but he couldn't deny that he felt something. The big question was if Bellatrix felt something for Harry. A part of him said of course not! She probably thinks you're a little kid! She's old enough to be your mother, but another, deeper part of Harry reminded him of the way her cheeks would darken slightly around him, and how her eyes seemed to glow a bit brighter when he walked into a room...
Harry shook his head and tried to push Bellatrix out of his mind, but she was always there, ready to jump back into his thoughts at every possible opportunity.
Later that night after dinner, Harry and Bellatrix were once again reading in the study. This evening reading time had become a regular occurance. Harry looked up from his copy of The Dark Arts: The Way of Power, to see Bellatrix focusing intently on her reading material.
"What are you reading?" Harry asked. Bellatrix looked up and gave a sweet smile.
"A love story." she replied simply. When Harry kept looking at her, she put the book down and leaned slightly closer to him. "It's about a young Prince who falls madly in love with a convinct in his father's dungeon, but of course, their love is forbidden. Eventually, the convict woman escapes and the Prince is free to be with her, but..."
"But what?" Harry asked, his heart beating faster than usual.
"She is much older than the Prince." Bellatrix sighed. "The Prince doesn't know if the woman will love him back because of this, even though she does. You see, the woman is afraid the Prince won't love her for the very same reason." she whispered sadly. Their faces were barely two inches apart now.
"What happened in the end?" Harry breathed. He had a feeling where this was headed and made no motion to stop it.
"I haven't gotten that far." she said softly with a faint smile.
Harry didn't know what made him do it. Maybe it was the fact that she was so close to him, or that the full moon shining through the window illuminated every attractive feature in her face. Or perhaps it was the way she had told her story with such emotion and longing. Whatever the reason, the fact remains that Harry leaned forward that last inch and kissed her. The kiss was soft and light, merely a slight brushing of the lips and lasted barely a second, but it was enough to send an electric shock through both their bodies.
"Harry..." she began awkwardly, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
"So... er... does the woman feel the way the Prince feels about her?" Harry asked. His mind was reeling and he couldn't focus on any specific thought. He was still finding it difficult to breathe properly after that fleeting kiss. Bellatrix smiled and gently placed her hand over his.
"Yes." she replied.
Dumbledore sat behind his desk, drumming his fingers impatiently on the sleek, polished oak. He was waiting for Nymphadora Tonks. He wanted to meet with her and discuss her concerns for his mental well-being.
"Where is she?" he muttered irritably, tapping his watch to be sure it was ticking properly. Just then, he heard a knocking at the door of the office, and Dumbledore waved his wand to open it.
"Kingsley told me you wanted to see me?" Tonks asked suspiciously, walking across the threshold to sit down in front of him.
"Ah, Nymphadora. I've been expecting your visit." Dumbledore said with a forced smile, standing up to welcome her. He waved his wand again and two wine glasses and a bottle of Madame Rosmerta's finest mead floated towards Dumbledore's desk and placed themselves down on the oaken surface. "Would you care for a glass of mead?" he asked politely.
"No, thank you." Tonks replied cooly. "I'm on duty. This is my lunch break."
"Ah, of course. How silly of me. I do apologize." Dumbledore chuckled, putting the alcohol away.
"I need to be back at the Ministry shortly, Dumbledore. What did you need to see me about?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest. Dumbledore gave a deep sigh and placed his hands on the desk in front of him, giving Tonks a penetrating stare that made her shiver.
"I'm afraid certain issues have arisen concerning you and your loyalty to the Order." Dumbledore said gravely, taking a seat behind his desk and folding his long fingers in front of him. Tonks' heartbeat began to quicken. Surely he didn't know that she was spying on the Order for Harry? If he did, that would mean the end of her career as an Auror, and even a lifelong sentence in Azkaban!
"Oh?" Tonks replied in a voice of mock confusion. Dumbledore's forced smile immediately slipped from his face and he loomed over her threateningly.
"Nymphadora, do not pretend to have no knowledge of the matter!" he exclaimed. "I know for a fact that you have voiced your concerns about my mental stability to Minerva. I don't appreciate being made to look like a fool."
A wave of relief washed over Tonks. Is that what all this was about? That she hurt his feelings? Tonks suppressed an elated sigh. She still had her job and she was still a free woman.
"That wasn't my intention when I told Minerva about my concerns." Tonks replied easily. "I have voiced the same concerns to you, so I really have no idea why you would call me from my job to come and meet with you." Dumbledore's strained face turned into a cold glare.
"I will not tolerate disobediance." Dumbledore threatened. Tonks' cheeks flushed an angry shade of red and she stood up abruptly, jaw clenched.
"I am not your dog!" she hissed venomously, turning around to stalk out of his office, her robes swishing behind her.
Tonks wasn't prepared for what happened next. As she headed out of the office, her back turned to Dumbledore, she felt something break through the barriers of her mind. She gave a cry of pain and fell to her knees, clutching her head. Of course! She should have remembered that Dumbledore was an accomplished Occlumens!
Images of her entire life flashed within her mind. Memories that she didn't know she still had suddenly resurfaced. Her entire childhood was being played through in her head like a movie reel. She had to get him out of her mind before he found her conversations with Harry! She managed to focus on her training as an Auror and will his power out of her head, pushing it out with all the mindpower she had. As she did this, she enclosed solid walls around her thoughts, eventually forcing Dumbledore out of her mind.
Immediately, Tonks sprang to her feet, whipping out her wand and pointing it at Dumbledore's throat. They were both panting and sweating. On the inside, she was completely shaken, but Tonks kept her glare determined and her wand steady. Being a metamorphmagus, she involuntarily transformed in her rage. Her skin went milk white, her hair went from straight and bubblegum pink to spiky and black. Her eyes went blood red, with no distinction between pupil, iris and the whites of her eyes. It was truly a terrifying sight and Dumbledore's eyes widened in disbelief.
"If you ever attemp anything like that again, I'll personally arrest you for invasion of privacy and attack on a Ministry official." she warned. Dumbledore didn't reply, but merely collapsed, heaving onto his desk. He had grossly underestimated her strength, it seemed.
Without another word, Tonks fled from the castle, morphing back to her usual appearance and only when she was safely outside the Hogwarts grounds did she allow herself to clap a hand to her mouth and let out a terrified sob. She slid down a nearby wall, shaking violently. Having your mind invaded was a terrible ordeal to go through, because if you don't feel safe within your own mind, there's nowhere else to turn.
Back in his office, Dumbledore banged a shaking fist on the table. "Damn!" he muttered angrily.
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The Writings of Briar Rosethorn
I enjoy writing. Plain and simple. I plan to make it my career so this journal will hold anything I write, whether good or bad. A scrapbook of both rough and final work, if you will. I will try to keep is as organized as possible.
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