OMFG OTAKON IT WAZ AWSUM blaugh it waz on july 20-22 07 @ da baltimore convection center n maryland!!!!! if u don't kno wat otakon iz GOOGLE IT scream !!!....i got 2 hugs dat day one from sakura n i got jumped by asuma..he iz me pal now it waz so fun..i dressed as neji n my friends alicyn n felisha (they hav gaia accounts 2)they were gonna cosplay da next day..alicyn iz gonna b sakura n felisha iz gonna b sexy jutsu itachi..!!! n I ATE POCKY 4laugh !!! yumm we shop @ da dealer room,sing kareoke @ da otacafe, say hi 2 all da cosplays n took pics n watch episodes of anime n draw N ETC!!! I SAW DOMO domokun WOOO! on da second da omg me n me friends were walkin n da dealers room n we walk pass a tv wit hare hare dance on it so we started 2 dance n the tv kept repeatin da dance so we kept dancin n dancin n alot of ppl joined us n we got record n pic shots WE WERE TIRED AFTER DAT!!! we did da dance like 20 times or more legs n feet hurt ..AAWWW MAN DAT RAVE WAZ SO AWSUM AFTER DAT EVEN WHEN MY LEGS N FEET WERE HURTIN...I DANCE SO MUCH! me got alot of hugs 2 like 9 hugs yup ...i miss tobi..everytime i saw him i said he waz a good boy i should of hav gav him a hug >< wahhhhh! i miss everyone from OTAKON!!!
sunday waz dull we didn't really do anythin but me friends dance da whole time me didn't feel like it coz me did it saturday I CAN'T WAIT 4 NEXT YEAR OTAKON 08 w00t blaugh im gonna b tobi next year SO IF UR GOIN FIND MEEEEEEEE WE CAN HANG OUT ITS GONNA B @ DA BALTIMORE CONVECTION CENTER N MARYLAND in AUGUST 8-10 2008!!!! FWAHHHH I SOOOO CAn'T WAIT me sooo hyper xd domokun domokun domokun
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