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Sunday...ugh, work. -___-
Song of the Day...Here I Am, by Marion Raven heart heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
Song of the Day...Here I Am, by Marion Raven heart heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
Darn...I should have done more on my report on Friday! Then I wouldn't have to do it today. -___-
Oh yeah, I forgot to finish writing about yesterdy. ^_^ Yesterday was what I would call a good day. xD
Bowling was reeally fuuun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my mom took the bus to get there, and Rasheeda and Kim were standing there, so we waited inside for a while, a long while that is, since everyone else was kind of late (everyone else being Brittney Judge, Destiny, and her neighbor), and by kind of I mean and hour and a half late. xD
And my mom was supposedly at McDonalds, while stalking us. -___- She followed us to the grocery store. xD Hehe, I got orange soda. Rasheeda and Kim got vitamin water.
And then Celine finally came, so we waited at the bus stop with her for Brittney and Destiny. She brought her teddy.xD
There aren't too many details to say for the games. We played 2 games. And we lost. ^_^ (celine, me, kim, and rasheeda vs. brittney, destiny, and her neighbor whose name started with a d). J-rock didn't give me enough luck. xD
Anyway, after that, we were just talking outside. And then, me, Rasheeda, Celine, and Kim went to Nick's Pizza, and everyone else went to McDonalds. So taht was all fuuun. ^_^
At home, Emran and Amma went to Sami's wedding, so I stayed home and stayed online. ^_^ I saw like 7 episodes of Blookd+!!! It was so great. Not like anyone who comments here watch so here are the spoilers:
There's been a one year time skip. The Red Shield was destroyed. David is an alcoholic. Joel is in a wheelchair. Kai and Louis are still fighting the Chiroptera. And they're living with David's old lieutenant. Saya and Haji have returned after one year. Saya doesn't want to associate with anyone anymore, so now she's more like Haji. She kind of wants to do everything alone. And Diva is back as well, performing in an opra on tv...Saya's also gotton a lot better at killing Chiroptera. I can't wait to see the next episode!!! heart heart heart
Oh yeah after Blood Plus, I watched Bleach. Then, Maria came, and we were just listening to music and looking at what kind of ipod to buy. ^_^ And stuffz.
I went to sleep in the living room around 2. There was a bug in the bedroom. redface Hehe. And Maria fell asleep there too lol. xD
So here I am. Awake and not ready to do my hw. ^_^
