He woke up the next morning to find her already awake and Brone gone. "Where's Brone?"
She cleaned her sword more aggressively realizing he was awake. "He's checking the surrounding areas." She glanced up as he stretched. "You slept well."
He shrugged. "We don't travel until night."
"The place I'm going is only seen at night."
"We're" She corrected.
"We're." He rolled his eyes. "Also less people travel by night...and the king has been capturing sorcerers." He said glancing up to see her reaction.
"Why?" She stopped cleaning the sword and began the stir up the fire with a stick.
"Nobody knows. How come you don't know? You're his daughter."
She grimaced and put her sword away with the saddle bags. " I wasn't his favorite. He didn't trust me. I wasn't a son." She turned away and slung a quiver of arrows over her shoulder and checked the bow.
"Where are you going?" He got up to follow her.
"Hunting...we need food." She explained. "There's no spell in that book of yours to make food appear out of nowhere is there?" She joked.
"Can't out of thin air and it's not a necessity as of yet." He said ignoring her sarcasm and still following her.
"Can you hunt?"
"Err..No. Not really. Never had to try, because I lived in a school. There were servants."
She laughed. "I'm a princess and didn't need to learn yet I did anyways. Magic and servants can't do everything." She picked her way through the forest as he stumbled behind. "So let me get this straight. You can't fight, hunt, or fully do magic."
"You don't even believe in magic and yet your father's hunting all sorcerers down like animals."
"Well, now we're in the same boat, because he's going to be chasing me down and I'm not going willingly." She stopped him and listened to movements close by before continuing on. "Even if you are a sorcerer, I still think you're foolish for traveling without a weapon and without decent training."
"It's not my fault I have to move to a new teacher." He said sadly. "Normally we stay at the same place to be tutored, but unfortunately the man who has been training us has disappeared and I need to continue my education. It was only a matter of time before I was caught with the others. I mean we lived close to a village and the price on a sorcerer is pretty high. Even handing over a student can earn some cash."
She nodded understanding. "So where are the others?"
"They have already moved on by now. Some went back home, others went on to find a new teacher, and others yet went into hiding."
"I still think you should learn to fight."
"What you'll train me?" He raised his eyebrows surprised.
"No. I'm still learning. Brone could teach you." She said amused.
"When do we start?"
"You're serious about this training thing right?" She stopped clearly amused at his fast decision.
She laughed. "We'll start yours tomorrow morning."
"Yes." She walked on and he followed.
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amusedwriter rambles
Things I write for no apparent reason other than to pass the time. Most stories have no endings, but contain an awful lot of meaningless dialogs. Other entries are basically boring life occurrences that have nothing to do with my stories whatsoever.
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