So this is another dream to be considered wickedly insane. I wrote it down in my notebook and decided that it was just too crazy for my eyes only...
I've got a leather bag slung over my shoulder and a wooden stick in my hand that is taller then I am. I'm walking through a forest when I hear something behind me. I turn to look and find this large dog growling at me. and his master smiling cruelly. The dog jumps knocking me over. I brace the stick and he snarls trying to get at my throat. I kick him off and stand all the while keeping his owner in my line of sight as well. He jumps at me again and I knock him out, then the owner charges me. He's got a dagger and he's too fast and strong for me. I know it and yet I keep fighting him. He catches me by the throat and stabs me in the heart. He stared me in the eye as if to make me remember him. He had dark hair and very pale blue eyes. He had to be about 19 maybe 20 years old. He took the bag off my shoulder and let me fall. I saw him rummaging through my pack. The blade must have been poisoned, because the pain numbed away and my vision blurred until everything went black.
Then it was another time. I was riding a horse and I could feel the weight of a sword against my hip. I was wearing a beautiful dress. It was the brilliant shade of moss and there was a dragon embroidered in gold down one side. The head came under my breast and the tail wrapped around my waist (I want a dress that cool!!). The sleeves were long and made me think of medieval times. I heard hoof beats behind me and I turned and stopped to greet the rider. I raised my right hand and kept my other visible to show peace. The other rider didn't do likewise. His hands were on his bow with an arrow already strung. I grabbed the reins and pulled myself closer to the horse. An arrow missed and splintered on a rock off to my right. I ducked under some trees leaving the path as another arrow hit a tree just over my shoulder and I dodged a low branch and another nearly took out the horse. I could see a river ahead. His last arrow grazed my ribs and I bit back the pain. He was gaining on me. I made it halfway through the river before I turned and faced him with my sword drawn. He laughed as he drew his own. "I thought I had you back there. Usually I have better aim."
I blocked his first move and his second. It was really strange because the me fighting didn't recognize him from the time before, yet the me watching did. Hard to explain, but that's how it was. I lounged at him and my sword grazed his cheek. He glared at me and wiped the blood off on his sleeve before making a cheater's move. He kicked me off the horse! Not only did it hurt really bad, I was also soaked and blinded for a moment. He climbed off of his horse and pulled me up by my hair. I dropped my sword when he stabbed me in the stomach through until the hilt of his sword. I was wearing a crystal around my throat (kind of like the one I used to wear alot when I was younger, you should remember it Lydia. By the way, I was looking for it earlier today and it's missing stare ) He broke the necklace before he twisted the sword as he pulled it out. I screamed (obviously), I can't begin to describe how badly it hurt...I don't even know how it was possible for me to imagine something so painful...Then he let me go in the water and I died.
I know, that in one sequence I died at a party, but it was blurred and I couldn't tell what happened all that well. There was some other deaths, but I forgot how they occurred sweatdrop . I know that one time was in a temple and it was dimly lit. I think I set his cloak on fire that time with a torch, but I can't be sure. I do remember a scar being on his cheek during both of those fights.
I remembered the next one alright, because he talked to me more while we fought.
"Do you remember me?" He asked as he dodged me. We were on a ship and the crew watched the "show".
"No. What do you want from me?" My sword cut into the mast and I pulled it out as I dodged another of his blows.
"So you don't know me at all?"
"No. Answer my question b*****d before I end this!"
"I can't die. I haven't died. You've died, but I can't."
"You haven't killed me yet! And you won't!" Our swords clashed again.
"You're mistaken." He pulled out a dagger and stabbed me in the heart. "This is the same dagger I killed you with the first time. It's poisoned if you don't remember."
He broke the chain that held the crystal about my neck and I died.
After this time I didn't know how to fight. My assumption is that it is because they were times in which women were not taught to fight.
I was in a corset, which I found painful and hard to breath in, but the me walking seemed comfortable. The dress was again very pretty. It was a black velvet and I was walking in a city I could not recognize, yet it made me wonder whether I had ever been to a town like it, because it was in so much detail. The roads were cobblestoned and wet. There were many shops along the street. One sold hats, another dried goods...I know there was a law office owned by Fredrick and Grey, but I could be slightly off in the names. It started raining. I didn't care.
"A lady should not be traveling alone at night." He said.
"And you're the gentleman to escort me? I think not! I don't even know you!" I pushed past him.
He pulled out a dagger and held it to my throat. "It's better that way."
I stopped confused and now extremely cold. "What do you mean? What do you want from me?"
"Where'd you hide the stone?" He asked when he noticed another necklace in its place.
"What stone?" I gripped the hand holding the dagger feeling faint (stupid corset).
"Don't play coy!" He turned me to face him and I saw the scar closer. "It's a token from you. Don't you like it?"
I was scared and I tried to pull away from him, but he only held me tighter.
"I don't know what you mean! Please let me go!" I begged.
"You're used to fight back. What's changed?"
"I don't know what you're talking about!"
"You must remember something."
I was in tears, "I don't know you. You've got the wrong girl!"
"Where's the crystal?"
My hand instinctively went to my chest where it was tied into the cloth.
He rolled his eyes and wrapped one arm around my waist with the dagger still in hand. "I've never been mistaken."
"Hey! What are you doing?! Don't touch me!" I slapped him and screamed. "Help! Somebody please!!"
"No one can hear you." He pulled the crystal out of its hiding place and then cut my throat. I laid there in the street as he walked away my vision blurred and I died.
This time I had shorter hair and it was curled somewhat. My dress was plain cotton, because of hard times. The name on the letter in my hand was Clare, but I forgot the last name. "Could you mail this for me?" I handed it to a little boy on the street and handed him a coin.
He grinned "Sure!" and then ran off.
I walked off to meet someone. I turned onto an empty street and grinned when I saw him. He was dressed in his brown uniform and his pale eyes looked at me sadly.
"What did you want to talk about babe... and why are you so glum?" I hugged him and kissed his cheek as his fingers played with the crystal on my charm bracelet.
"I'm sorry this time."
"What do you mean?" I laughed, but my laugh was cut off by a gunshot. I didn't have to look down to realize that the pistol was in his hand. My vision blurred from tears, but I didn't run and I didn't fight him. I was betrayed. He fired again and I died.
This dream is far too wicked to write a story for, but I guess the story's already written anyways. Some of my dreams become part of the stories I write, which is probably the reason why I haven't written much of the stories lately, because my dreams are getting a little screwed up and don't fit with the stories I've started at all. I don't know where it's coming from, because last night we watched Aladdin with the little kids and so I didn't watch anything to bring this dream up xp . Oh and I've got sun burn again rolleyes . We went to a theme park on Friday and I got burned burning_eyes . I find it strange that I don't tan whatsoever...I burn and then I'm pale all over again.
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amusedwriter rambles
Things I write for no apparent reason other than to pass the time. Most stories have no endings, but contain an awful lot of meaningless dialogs. Other entries are basically boring life occurrences that have nothing to do with my stories whatsoever.
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