I commented this on the profile of Maldova Queen
you little b***h, go ahead delete my comments, I'll just comment on you're profile again, either way, your eforts to appear to be the better person
are all futile, NO
Chearleaders can't fly and they're NOT angels, chearleaders are nothing but pompass bitches that can't get over themselves
You can't go out and get drunk, you're underaged
You don't have a volumptious body, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, YOU WAY 68 POUNDS
I doubt your boyfriend is a punk, unless he's a wannabe, punks would probably MURDER you
Are you sure they didn't say you were too much of a WHORE?
People that are overwieght are still human, they have feelings and were created equal just like everyone else
You are a shallow whore to whom I hope will burn in hell, you are a waste of time, money, and food
Koneko113 · Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 03:30am · 0 Comments |