________________________Part Three_______________________
"like u could kill me " terry slowly grabbed a kunai "then its begins"
Himeko ran torwdes terry. Terry jumpped up and throw a smoke bomb.
"Come on Terry you now that wont work on me." I stred to make heand sings "hiden mist jutsu" fog covered the battelfiled "hey terry right behind you"
"what how did you get there."
"game set you lose " himeko had a kunai at terry throat.
"its not over.'
"what ?!" himeko sliced terry's throat it was a clone "Dam it i should know that was going to happen"
"why are you doing thise i dont want to kill but why?"
"I told you im doing this to kill her my mother has no right to live and dont you now my family story how they were killed"
"I know what happen but you cant kill her by your self."
"what do you know this cuers she gave me can and it also can kill you to. So leave if you want to live" Himeko sade this come.
"My life is nothing if my best friend is cousme by power i dont even care about my family."
"Well it was nice knowing you" Himeko moved up the head band that covered here Devil eye. "know you die" the voice had cange form come to a scary voice.
"What the hell is going on with you himeko?"
"Found you"
"what!" terry look up and saw himeko looking down at her. Himeko eye's had a look of red and in the center of her eye was a stight line it look like the gates of hell.Himeko went stright down terry jumped out of the way.
"Wow she to fast what should i do?"
"Huhu die that what you will do"
"she looks like she dristing for blood"Himeko dispered "What speed she has were did she go?"terry drop to the ground she got up and look at her arm it was cut up.
Himeko stand right in front of her with one of her hands had blood all over it.
"huhuhu s**t how did she do that."terry look clost at himeko eye and notices she was crying.
"Come on himeko stop this and just come back to the village that is all im asking"
himeko dispared i a few seconds terry left arm fell off. blood stated to shot out of terry fell to the ground.
"sorry old friend but you left me no choice" Himeko just walked away.
A couupel mintes terry woke up she was moving she looked around to hind out that she was on a strecher "hey what happen?"
"Oh you finally woke up."
"were is himeko"
"she left before we got there."
"i couldnt stop her"
"well you did your best but not many would have survive that battle"
"Thank you kakashi" terry went back to sleep.
"i wish i made it there on time its seems i have the worst of luck"
That night himeko just looked up at the stars just like her mother did.
"Some day she will die and i make.Huh i wornder if she survive most like she did but that blood thrust i had when i use the eyes was not normal."
himeko feel to sleep on the side of the tree trunk . That moring she woke up to some one yelling like she was runnig away form some one."Someone help me HELP ME !"
himeko got up and stared to run in the deraction of the noise when she got there she saw a 10 year old gril. Himeko jumped down in fornt of her "dont hert me"
"Why would i hert you? whats wrong?"
"That man right uh..........behind you"
Himkeo truned around she looked up the man was about 7 feet tall and hey looked tought.
"Move out of the way little gril." he sad this in a deep voice
"you didnt call me little gril did you?"
"Yes no move"
"I will make you regrate does words"
Himeko jumped up and puch the guys face. With one punch she k.o him.
"So whats your name i just save you so tell me."
"uh my name is sander ."
"why was he cashing you"
"i dont know he just staed to chase me i think hey was going to sell me or somthing woures than that."
"okay so i take you home. uh were do you live?"
"I cant go home."
"my family is dead they were killed by his friends"
In himeko thoughts ,"she just like me know one to go to."
"uh hellow are you okay uh whats your name?"
"oh its himeko and form now on you can travel with me if you want to but be warend i dont have a lot of monney on me"
"i can thank you so much your a nice person himeko"
When sandre sad this himeko staed to cry a little.
"uh whats wroung himeko?"
"oh nothing"only if she new my ture past she would hade left me there by my self. i have killed my friend and betraded my village at is sent on a road of revang ,but she remides me of me when i was young always wacheing my back and living in fear. We walked about 2 houres and stop to rest.
"Hey himeko were do you come frome and were are you going?"
"I dont now im just looking for some one." I truend around and look at her with a smile. Back at the village "get her in to the operating area."
"yes fith we got her there."
"okay staed the jutus"After a coupl of houres "She will be fine kakashi."
"Thats good to her what should we do about himeko?"
"I have noctie but to put her into the bingo book as a A-high trat and kill on site."
"okay so should i go and track her done?"
"No look what she did to terry one of are best track ninja she could have killed her if she want to"
"Okay i will go and informe the other villages about her"
"okay...oh and kakashi you did your best to get to terry and himeko i know how it felt when you couldnt stop your stuntes so dont take it out on you"
"oaky i be going"
Some were in the forst himeko and sander keep on walking.
"hey sander do you have any skills"
"skills what do you mean?"
"like me a ninja are one"
"uh............yeath im a ninja but im not good at it"
"its okay i can teach you in the skills the enter a small village himeko could sens a strong person in side this small village they stop .
"sander dont move im going to look around okay"
"yeath why is there somthing wroung?"
"no but i dont feel safe here"
himeko went to the tallest bulling she could find she looked around when she did this she saw a kunai heading at her she jumped down and staed to run she ran into a market store and acted like a coustmer she could sencs the power of some one getting clost to her.when she went out side she saw anuka shes the one with blue eyed sharingun she is a jonin rank but she is way more skilled then a jonin i walked past her then i turrend down a alley way i herad a voice i truned around and it was anuka.
"nice to see you again."
"Why are you here and why did you trow a kunai at me?"
"What are you talkeing about i didnt trow a kunai at you and the reason im here is just to tell you made it in to the bingo book as A-rank to kill on site"
"i new that would happen i relly dont care about it"
"well i be living i didnt come here to fight you so see."
i went back to sander "what happen himeko?"
"nothing i just went to look around. lets get going we will get some food and leave."
"hey himeko were are we going?"
Himeko just look at her and smile "I dont know"
"Man himeko you remide me of some back at my village oh well lets go"
"okay "
Who the hell trow that kunai at me i have a bad feeling about this i just dont want sander to get hert at all so be a on my gard.
ninja Part three finsh i hope u enjoy it so fare ninja
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