Age: 16
Ht: 5'4
Wt: quote-"i WILL slap u"-unquote
Statious: Pomemon Master Champion
Starter: Torchic (Now Blaziken)
Star Pokemon: Rayqauaza, Blaziken, Lombre, Swellow, Jirachi, Charizard
Likes: People, a certin someone (*cough*Steven*Cough*Stone*cough*damn cold^^) Houndoom, flowers, ramen, chocolate
Dislikes: lets just keep it at alot of things
Info: Sadie owns a Houndoom ranch like her grandmother. When she leaves one of her two sisters take over. She ne sister, Sere owns a gym and the youngest, Sarah, is a 3 year contest champion. Sadie accually rescued Rayquaza from Team Roctet when she first started out on her journey. Rayquaza respected her and allowed her to catch it. But she wanted to get stronger with her torchic first. 6 years later....she became the campoin defeating all the elite 4 and chapians in all the reagions, she returned to Rayquaza's hide-away and battled it one-on-one with her prized blaziken, Blazie. And she wone. She caut it and is now the champian in hoen

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