It was so cool, we got to summerfest around 3 o' clock so Emily and I walked around to go look in the shops and stuff. I wanted a Chevelle T-shirt but I mistook the lady at the stand and thought they weren't selling the shirts till after the show. I found out later that I could have gotten one to get autographed. I had bought their newest album "Vera Sena" and got the album cover autographed instead

Emily bought a black T-shirt that said 'Chevelle' in pink letters, and in smaller letters it said 'Chicago' (Chevelle is from Chicago in case you didn't know). The signing was originally going to be at 8 o'clock but they had changed it to 7:15. The line was huge even though we got there at 7 but since Emily and I had bought murchandice we got to go into the short line so we were 5th. I had forgotten the digital camera at my house (go figure) so I had to buy a disposable one. (10 bucks to, total rip off my pictures better turn out). I only got one picture of them when they were signing so that one will deffinetly turn out well. I'll have the concert pictures up (if they turn out good) when I get them developed. After we got our autographs we headed straight for the U.S. Cellular stage. When we got there a band called GingerJake was playing. We got decent seats but we were sure we were going to get better ones as soon as that band was done. Turns out, nearly every single person there was only there becuase they were waiting for Chevelle. Just like us. D:<
We did get pretty good seats but there were a bunch of tall guys in front of us so we couldn't see to well. The concert was awsome though, Chevelle is actually sounds as good live as they do on CD. Unlike a lot of bands now *cough* flyleaf *cough cough*. While we were jumping on the bleachers and rocking out ;D ; Some guy comes running by with his girlfriend on his shoulders, and the chick reaches into my sweatshirt pocket. It was a zip up hoodie so I instantly started checking all my other pockets for my cell phone and my money. They were all their but at first I thought she stole my summerfest schedual, which wasn't a big deal becuase I could pick another one up at the information desk. I remembered later that I had put it in my back pocket so I wouldn't lose it while jumping on the bleachers. I checked and it was still there. I can't help but feel she took something out of that pocket, but I don't see anything valuable missing. It's a good thing the girl hadn't reached into my other pocket, that was the one with the autographed CD. I was afraid she had taken my money that I owed my mom but I checked and I had it in my front pocket (I don't think she's reaching in there). After we had left the concert we got on the buss to go back home. It was a nice quiet ride and we were pretty exhausted but neither of us could sleep. After the first two stops we finally arrived at our stop and got into the car. The ride home was nice to, we didn't talk much because we were so tired. Emily's mom stopped at mcdonalds to get Emily's little brother Spenser something to drink, but he was so out of it he couldn't get an answer out of him. When he was finally awake enough to say lemonade we headed home. Emily and I stayed up for a while but Spenser crashed, then Emily did. I talked with her mom for a bit before she crashed on the couch to. I was still to excited from the concert to sleep so I stayed up for a while. Then at like 3 I decided I better try and get to sleep. I woke up a few times and I heard Emily's dad come over to take Spenser to breakfest but I thought I was dreaming. I got up later around 9:30. I felt rested but I kept couldn't keep my eye's open. I forrced myself to stay awake, since I had to go home at noon to finish cleaning my room. We hung out for a while, and when noon came around they gave me a ride home. When I got home I finished cleaning my room, did my chores, and listened to the CD I bought. Afterwards I got on here to tell you about this amazing expirience. I hope you guys read all of this. I'll have all the pictures that turned up one here as soon as they're developed.
I have the pictures
only two besides the one up there turned out stare
piece of crap camera
I payed ten bucks for that
they aren't the greatest pictures in the world but
hey, I was there, and they're proof I was there.
here they are. I'll edit them and hopefully they'll look better as soon as I re-instal my image suit.

We were waiting for Chevelle to start, and U.S. Cellular had a screen that would show text messages you sent to them, heres one I took a picture of to pass the time

Damn straight
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