I cant believe this me and my sister is making a story.But oh just scratch that out um....oh yeah I was reading my best friend journal things and she had one of these things that was about how she got connected with her friends and my sister was on their but not her best friends that known her for at least 6 yrs. and my best friend Kirsten which I just meet this school year were gettting closer than me and Simone will ever have. Not to hurt anybody feeling but Simone do not complete me Kirsten is like my anime, wild, loud,can talk to about anything,can share secrets side and my other side Tully we are really good friends too kinda getting their as me and Kirsten are but we still close she my fun,can talk about anything, can share my secrets, chatting person,nica side. Simone dont really fit in any of those catergorys its not like we cant be friends it just that we cant be BFFL anymore. And I dont know when I should tell her cause I dont want to hurt her feelings but I also really need to tell her ar things would come out bad
Ashisa · Tue Jul 03, 2007 @ 10:18pm · 0 Comments |