Chris Benoit and his family will not be forgotten!!!!!! Today, June 25, 2007 something devasted happen today. One of my favorite wrestlers was found dead and his family too. He was one of the greatest wrestlers ever. He was a man that never gave up on his dream and keep on going even though everybody doubted him. This was was on of the greatest wrestler that i've ever seen, he was so athletic and full of energy. I hope that they find the person responsible for his death and his family too. I'm so happy that today that in RAW there having a 3 hour tribute to Chris Benoit!!!!!
Well i got some bad news, i can't believe Chris BEnoit killed himself and his family too. But i suspect a set up because how can a gentle man do this horrific things but so confusing. Oh well let's just check for the future and let's see what the officer's find next.
Chris Benoit, NAncy Benoit and Daniel Benoit!!!!
U will not be forgotten Chris Benoit, we all luv u, REST IN PEACE!!!!!!