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death_master's Journal
Binge Drinking
What is Binge Drinking?

Bing Drinking means five consecutive drinks for a man, four for a woman.
One drink is considered a 12oz. beer, a 10oz. wine coller, 5oz. of wine, or 1.5oz. of 80-proof hard loquor.

What are the risks to your health?

Students who start bing drinking before age 15 are 4 times likely to become adicted than those who wait until theyare 21. Teens who drink heavly face long term risks of damageto the liver and the pancrease, stroke and some cancers. Dinking also leads to 400,000 students a year to have unprotected sex, putting them in a greater risk for pregancy and diseases such as AIDS.

What is the riskto your safty?

The possibiltiy for death, rape, accidental injury and physical assault increase greatly for young adults when alcohol is involved. About 70,00 are sexually assaulted and more than 60,000 are physally assualted each year as a resault of binge drinking or being with someone who has been drinking.

What are the risks to your future?

Drinking hurts many students acadernically. About 25% of U.S. sdtudents ages 18-24 say alcohol has affected their lives

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