Name - Aneko Sage Age - 19 Rank/Region - Tethe'alla Town/City - Meltokyo Appearance -
 Exsphere/Cruxis Crystal - Cruxis Crystal Renegade/Desian/Cruxis - I am the Chosen of Tethe'alla Bio - Aneko is the half sister of Genis and Raine Sage. Unlike her two siblings, she was not with them when Genis and Raine were sent to the legendary land of Sylvarant. She was with her father, who was not the father of her sister and brother. She, unlike Genis and Raine, is a full elf. Ever since she was very little, she was obsessed over gaining equality for halfelves. No one knew why, really - even she did not know. At Tethe'alla, when she met up with the group, she started having odd dreams. Dreams of arguing with this strange girl, Raine, when she was so tiny, dreams of holding a baby Genis. And then, when they all met Virginia, they knew. Aneko had already met Virginia, her mother, and was the one who had begged Exire to take good care of her. Then Raine remembered that this mentally unstable woman was her mother, and they knew they were siblings. Weapon - Fan. Closed for magical cataylist, open for melee attacks. NPC - Sheena
Allison Grey · Thu Jun 14, 2007 @ 05:32pm · 0 Comments |