Day She Blows Out The Candles: Summer 15
Things She Hates: Failed Plates,Strong Beer,Fodder(They're for Animals,not GIRLS),Bird Feed(Again,for animals,not Girls)Fish(Likes catching them,but not eating them),tomatoes,and Junk Ore.
Things She Loves: Animals,chocolate,cocoa cake,hot milk,hot chocolate,strawberries,necklace,perfume,flowers,aquamarine and amethyst.(+ more affection if made into broach or given on birthday)
1 heart = Just Met(Acquaintance)
2 heart 's=Friends
3 heart 's=Best Friends
4 heart 's= A Little Crush
5 heart 's= Big Crush
6 heart 's= In Love(Ready to Be Proposed to)
Cole: heart heart
John: heart
Alviss: heart
Hiru: heart
Ace: heart heart heart