Give me a home, where the buffalo roam...
Title: Home On The Range lyric. Yeah.
So, I'm back from camping with my friend. We did so much rock climbing, so high and so steep, that many times we almost fell to our dooms. I got lots of scraps and cuts but it was too much fun.
She let me borrow 'The Phantom of the Opera'. Yes, it was a book written originally in France, in 1910 before it ever was an opera/musical. IT. IS. SO. GOOD! I suggest you read it. Now. Heh.
We found a good place to read up in the rocks near our campsite. We also made our own little 'perch', where we watched cars go by on the road and could see and hear people for miles. And the starry sky was so nice! We had no neighbors though. Barely anyone was there. We kept hoping boys (yes, boys) our age would come, but alas, none did. The best we got were two 7th grade boys, or that's how old they appeared to be.
We made s'mores and popcorn at night, and the food was good, and I drank so much soda/water/Sunny D that I had to use those disgusting, revolting portipotties more than once.
And so many inside jokes arose... xd
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