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Well, since Emran's actually coming home pretty early again today, I have a pretty tight schedule online. I wanna get in at least 1 full episode of Tsubasa Chronicle today, episode 36 to be exact. While my mom is here, I'll work on my JE, and when she leaves I'll get to anime. If there's time, I might have time for Battle to the Death assuming someone else has posted since last night.
Okay, so, today, in the morning, it was pretty boring. In Math, we just did work. If we can finish the rest of the chapter in a couple of weeks, then we can start bringing in the games! ^_^
In Science, we also did work...just some review and we started chapter 17.
Arts was fun. We got to do sumi again! ^_^ I found that I have a knack for painting grass. ^_^
Then, we had SS, where we just went over the finals, which I got an 82 on, well an 84%, thanx to the 2 point boost. ^_^
At lunch. Haha, that was so funny. Me and Shirley were having the usual battles that ALWAYS cause her pain, lol. And then, I forget, but I did something to Kimberly, and she came all the way around the table to strangle me, lol. And it was so funny, cuz I went under the table to her side each time, but then she came back, it was like tug of war with Irene under the table. rofl
After that, in Literacy, we just talked about Hamlet and stuff.
Haha, after school, when we were going down the hill...
Shirley almost tripped over a rock. xD
And she marked up my perfect white shirt at the bus stop with her blue pen! mad I AM GONNA GET U SHIRLEY! As long as it doesn't cost me my post count. sweatdrop
Well, Emran's already on his way, so I better get started on Tsubasa Chronicle, I'll just watch 2/3 of it, so I may have some spare time for the RP and the guild and stuff before Emran gets here. Oh well.

Community Member
Is the post count all you care about?!?!?