~~~Episode Seven~~~
Haku led the way as they walked through the forest. The singing of birds filled the air, and Yuri smiled. "This place is amazing!" she said. Haku rolled his eyes, "Its just a forest. Didn't Earth have forests?"
"Yes...but none like this. Maybe the rainforest, but I've only seen that on tv."
"Right...well, just keep up."
They continued walking for a while, the sun beaming up ahead as it crossed the sky. It was much later in the afternoon when Haku finally stopped, mumbling. Yuri smiled faintly, "Lost?" she asked.
Haku turned, "I'm NOT lost! I dont get lost!" he snapped. He looked around a bit, "This forest is just enourmous, thats all. Come on, this way." he said, motioning her with a wave of his hand. Yuri shook her head a little and followed.
The sun was setting, and Haku had stopped again. He angrily kicked at the ground. "I hate this place! This forest is a natural maze!" he said. Yuri was sitting on a large root that had curled up out of the ground. "Yep. I guess we should make camp and try again in the morning." she said. Haku turned, "I guess so...man, this pisses me off! How are we supposed to help this place if we cant even find people?!"
Yuri shrugged, "I dont know...maybe they'll find us."
"Hmph, yeah right." Haku said as he laid down against a tree. Yuri laid down on the soft grass beside the root. "Do you have a blanket, or a sleeping bag?" she asked.
Haku blinked, "Wha? What for?"
Yuri narrowed her eyes, "To sleep in?"
"Sleep on the ground." he said before closing his eyes. Yuri glared a little before rolling over and closing her eyes as well.
Yuri opened her eyes as she heard a soft 'thunk'. She yawned, stretching her arms as she sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Another 'thunk' made her turn.
"What is that?" she asked herself, standing. She left Haku asleep and waled aways into the forest, following the sound. Soon, she came to a clearing. Her attention was instantly drawn to a blonde haired boy in an orange jacket and pants. He was throwing kunai at a tree with a target painted onto it, the same headband Yuri wore was on his forehead as well, the odd leaf symbol on it. Yuri raised a brow, then walked towards him. He looked to be only 12 or 13, and his blue eyes shined with determination as he threw another kunai. It hit dead center on the target, and Yuri smiled.
"Nice shot!" she said.
The boy turned quickly, blinking.
"Huh? Oh! Thanks, I've been working hard" he eyed her, "Wait...I dont think I've ever seen you before...are you a chunin?"
"Whats a chunin?" Yuri asked.
The boy stared, then laughed. "Thats funny!" he said.
Yuri smiled, "By the way, I'm Yuri." she said.
He smiled as well, "Names Naruto Uzumaki! I bet you've heard of me in the village!" Naruto said.
Yuri shook her head, "I haven't been here in a while, so I dont think I've heard of you, sorry." she said.
Naruto shrugged, "No prob. Hey, I was about to head for some lunch, would you like to join me? You'll have to pay for your own food though, cause I'm almost out of coupo-" he stopped midsentence, staring at something beyond Yuri. He blinked, "What the?!" he said.
Yuri felt a shiver run up her spine, and she quickly turned. Dozens of neoshadows were rising from the ground, as well as strange ones that stood straight on two legs, dressed like little samurai. She glared, tensing as she stepped back.
"What are those things?!" Naruto asked.
"Heartless!" Yuri said. On cue, they attacked, a neoshadow lashing out at Yuri. Yuri fell back to dodge, rolling to the side and jumping back to her feet. "Firaga!" she yelled, thrusting her hands out. Flames erupted to life, scorching a couple of the heartless. Naruto jumped back as a Dark Samurai slashed at him with its sword, the heartless symbol upon the blade. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted as he landed, making strange handsigns. There was a poof of white smoke, and Yuri gaped as 5 Naruto leapt out, jumping into the heartless with a flurry of kicks and punches. Yuri cried out as an attacking neoshadow snapped her back to the battle, and she ducked, "Blizzard!" she said. The neoshadow was hit with a blast of ice, sending it crashing back in the other heartless. Yuri sent bolts of lightning crashing down with a snap of her fingers, a smug smile on her face. Naruto jumped back, landing beside her as the last heartless faded.
"Man! That was crazy!" he said as he stood fully. Yuri nodded, "You did great Naruto! How did you do that clone thing?"
"I want to know how you used those element jutsu one after another! That did a great job in clearing out the hearty things."
Yuri smiled, "Theres alot about this place I want to know about. Do you have a library?"
"The library?! Why on earth would you want to go to that boring place?"
"I just said why if you were listening...."
Yuri and Naruto turned as Haku came running.
"Whos that?" Naruto asked. Haku pulled out his katana with a flicker of movement, and Naruto shouted as Haku slashed out at him. He flipped back, glaring.
"What was that for?!" Naruto snapped.
Haku glared, "Who are you!" he asked. Suddenly Haku was hit by lightning, and he shouted, falling back. Yuri stepped in front of him, "I'll do that again if I have to! Whats wrong with you?! Naruto wasn't doing anything!"
"Yeah!" Naruto added as he came forward.
Haku stood, "I didn't know that! I just heard you shouting spells and I came to see this orange freak."
Naruto glared, "I'm not an orange freak! Look who just got zapped by a girl!" he retorted.
"I wasn't expecting her to do that! At least my hair doesn't look like I haven't brushed it in 5 months!"
"Knock it off!" Yuri shouted. Both Naruto and Haku went silent, fuming as they glared at one another. Haku turned, "Whatever, I dont have to take this. Come on Yuri, we're leaving." he said.
With that, he turned and walked away. Yuri blinked, then turned to Naruto.
"Ignore him. Thats Haku...hes really moody."
"You dont say?" Naruto said sarcasticly.
"Yuri!" Haku called.
"I'm going!" she shouted back, then smiled at Naruto, "It was nice meeting you Naruto. I'll try and find you later." she said.
"I thought Haku said you were leaving?"
"Yeah, he was just trying to sound macho. Bye!" Yuri said before running after Haku.
Naruto stood there for a moment, then scratched his head. "They both had leaf headbands...but I've never seen either of them before...hmmm..." he shrugged, picking up on of his kunai before leaving.
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