Okay, Emran's on his way already so, I don't have a lot of time to write stuff. Haha, I just realized from Hoshi Ni Negai Wo, that Chieco Kawabe has a really beautiful voice! heart Anyway, as for what happened today...it was okay. We had science first where we just did work. We learned more about rocks, which I'm actually getting. hehe.
Then in gym...OMG...we were doing yoga...AND BELLY DANCING! That was so weird. I mean, I can understand the stretching. I like stretching, but BELLY DANCING??? I mean...she wanted us to...JIGGLE. eek And some people *cough cough* KIM...were actually doing it too! Haha, she jiggled so far back, she fell, lol. And then, she was trying to get me to jiggle too. The only thing I like was the hello, goodbye stretch, which is kind of like some Japanese/Chinese looking thing, where you put one foot out at an angle, put the other foot in front, straight, and bend the back leg. Then put your hands together like your a Buddhist praying, and bend forward, while keeping your basck straight. That, I liked. Haha...BELLY DANCING... rofl
Anyway, in math, we just went over a few things in the textbook, then we basically had like a free period. Ms. Croft was just walking around, hunting Brittney down, lol, and Mr. Bednar was just sitting there. Haha, I was trying to donate Jasdeep's 50 cents to Mr. Bednar's apple bank, lol. And of course, I was kicking Shirley there too. ^_^
At lunch, we went out and we just playerd the line game and freeze tag, so that was fun as usual. It was really hot today too! I was sweating in Literacy!!! In Literacy, we just did review for the SS and Literacy quarterly finals. That was boring. Also, a lot of the literacy final is on Hamlet! Boo! After, some people went for the Mock Trials practice thingy, we just like had to be quiet and sit there. So, I just read that book, haha, I passed you Shirley. xd
Then, in regents classes, which are pretty fun, we learned about the earth's axis and Focault, and stuff. Which I finally get. Oh no, Emran's here!
Okay...besides that, I was threatening Kim with a pencil, and yeah. And umm...Jasdeep came over today. Haha, a short visit, but oh well.
