Okay, beofre I go into what happened today, let me go back to yesterday. I did see Spiderman 3!!! (Let me just say that yesterday was way better than today!!!) Haha, I also found out that Burger King is right next to the Bay Plaza theater. When we got there (me, mom and brother), the 6:30 and 7:15 tickets were sold out, so we had to get the 7:45 tickets, when we got there at like 5:40. So, since we had all that free time, we basically just sat there. Halfway through all that time doing nothing, we went to Burger King. We walked all the way around the block (and that's one big block over there!) to get there too. Then when we were leaving, we went through the back door of Burger King, and found out that it was right next to the theater! Hehe, so we just ate on the bench in the theater. Then, we were just waiting around (yes, impatiently) for them to open room (theater 1). Well, Emran was busy doing his Rubik's Cube, which I just found that he takes everywhere, and I mean...EVERYWHERE! So, as for the movie, it was great!!! Seriously, it was the BEST! Oh yeah, also, when I was waiting on the bench, they kept playing like 20 seconds of the song Face Down, by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus every five minutes. Except when we were gonna go home, one time, they played like 20 seconds of the song The Kill, by 30 Seocnds to Mars. Both of those songs ROCK, but what was with the mini-clips, like every 5 minutes??? Oh well...the movie was GREAT! I can only wonder...will Pirates of the Carribean 3 be better? Can't wait to see! Anyway, from the preview, I also want to see, The Invisible (playing already), Pirates of the Carribean 3: At World's End (OF COURSE!!!), Surf's Up (come on, it's about a PENGUIN and a chicken!), and Rush Hour 3. I didn't see a preview for Rush Hour 3, but I just know about it! So yay! Naruto movie 1 is also gonna be in theaters for one night in select theaters! I wanna see. Emran actually told me that he had downloaded it beofre, but when he was trying to wake me up to see it, I was all cranky, so he didn't tell me. Aww, oh well...I could youtube it with bad quality maybe... Let's see...did anything else happen in the theaters? Oh, before the movie started, since a lot of people were there early, the volume was really low, and they were screaming for the volume to be raised. I didn't know until Emran told me that the volume rises slowly until the start of the movie. Hehe. Okay, so besodies that...not much else really happened. I don't wanna go into teensy details, so I guess that's it. ^_^ Okay, no for the stuff that happened today.
Now, for my original entry for today...okay let's see...what happened today...oh right. Ms. Mathis was absent, so during the first period, we were just doing whatever. Hehe. Shirley and Kim came dressed up...and I mean...DRESSED UP. Haha. Shirley looked like a little adult, lol, and Kim looked like Shirley's boss. Hehe. Oh, we were annoying the hut-nun, of course. She actually looked nice, for the honor assembly, not the Mock Trials, though. Haha. Oh it was so funny. Jasdeep came dressed for the Mock Trials, and Hamed like smacked her back-ish arm really hard, and he was like "You're dressed!" Haha.
Oh, during, the honors assembly, it was so hilarious. Shirley was seriously popping her collar and sauying "Wut wut," and I was trying to show Chantale and everyone else, but she stopped when they looked. And then she took off her shoe for whatever reason, and she was like, "My big feet bring sexy back." That was so funny! By the way Shirley, you're feet are teeny!!!
Oh and then, we were doing the usual, pinching and elbowing. Haha. And then me and Jasdeep were doing "Whee!" too. Haha. Chantale and Rasheeda are afraid of me! ^_^ And Chantale ate my air candy. And then, I got hungry and I asked her for some of it, lol, so I asked her for it back. And then she barfed it up and gave it back, and I gave it to Rasheeda, who didn't want it, so I gave it to Shirley, who had no idea what was going on, lol. But it was still soooo funny when Shirley was doing the hair flipping and all that! rofl
Okay, after that we had Social Studies, so we were just playing around, basically, and of course, I was kicking Shirley's nice black pants. Then Mr. Burton came and gave some last minute tips for the Mock Trials. I think everyone looked pretty well prepared though. Anyway, after that at lunch, we just plasyed around. Not tag, because people were wearing shoes and nice stuff. Hehe. So we played the line game. Haha, Shirley was trying to murder me lol, for kicking her nice little pants. Haha.
After that, Spanish and Science werte boring, so I basically just went home. All alooone. Kim, Shirley Jasdeep! You guys left me all alooone! Lol. ^_^
Anyway, so here I am. It's a good thing animefever id okay. Yesterday it said I had to pa y for it, but today it's good. ^_^ Phew. So I'm just listening to my dizzler. Emran's on his way home, so I don't have a lot of time to write. Oh well, I think I may have just topped my longest journal entry ever! Yay! Anyway...to the guild! Rejects! Woo! ^_^

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