June 2011
[06/26/11 11:36pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[06/21/11 10:47am] 905.1: Revamped
April 2011
[04/05/11 06:57am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
February 2011
[02/20/11 04:40am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/10/11 10:53pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
November 2010
[11/16/10 04:51am] Was it all....
October 2010
[10/24/10 08:37am] GRAND RE-OPENING![10/11/10 08:25pm] Remember the battle?
August 2010
[08/26/10 05:03am] do not delete
July 2010
[07/20/10 07:12am] Guess who's back? Back again?
April 2010
[04/06/10 11:36pm] Happy hour-week
March 2010
[03/18/10 04:40am] 905.1[03/04/10 09:50pm] 905.1 VOTING WEEK!!!
February 2010
[02/09/10 06:15pm] Note[02/06/10 05:48am] more madness!!![02/03/10 05:59am] My mother...my father[02/01/10 02:20am] ode to joyfull cranium sex
January 2010
[01/31/10 07:34am] MADMAN AGAIN!!!
December 2009
[12/18/09 01:14am] so very soon[12/18/09 12:42am] madman no more...[12/05/09 05:21pm] Gone and Here
November 2009
[11/26/09 12:42am] Truely damned[11/25/09 01:45am] For the one i love. [11/25/09 01:37am] I am betrayed[11/22/09 02:28am] The new me...that may never change.[11/03/09 02:22am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
August 2009
[08/24/09 03:35am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
July 2009
[07/19/09 04:05am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
February 2009
[02/14/09 07:55am] v-day poem, feel free to use.
January 2009
[01/18/09 10:09am] questions, i answered too!
December 2008
[12/05/08 04:45am] Reincarnation[12/02/08 03:02am] MOAR QUESTINS!!!!!
November 2008
[11/26/08 11:29pm] the final chapter:dispair, or bliss[11/26/08 02:31am] poem: four elements, four seasons[11/24/08 03:03am] part four, the boy, the wolf, the angel, and the demon.[11/09/08 12:42am] part three, the angel and the wolf-boy
October 2008
[10/21/08 10:51pm] the wolf. part 2[10/10/08 02:39am] poem that floated its way into my head.
September 2008
[09/17/08 06:13am] please?[09/07/08 07:05am] found deese online. i answered em too!
August 2008
[08/23/08 01:02am] also, got deese from reikuro n n[08/10/08 04:12am] got deese from reikuro[08/07/08 06:55pm] READ IT. [08/02/08 07:44am] Happyness is...
July 2008
[07/31/08 05:59pm] one of my worst dreams...call it a nightmare.[07/24/08 09:09am] So long, to say, ive got, ive found, because, ther...[07/22/08 08:05am] reply, THEN read the last part at the verry bottom...[07/18/08 08:49am] compare em. theyre poems.[07/11/08 02:31am] to begin with lets get to know you.