Stuff About Shana~

I welcome you to my Rilakkuma crazed profile :] *heavy breathing*
My name is Katorii, but I prefer Shana. I draw, play video games, go to the beach, video games. I haven't been online since 2010 I think. Gaia has changed quite a bit. The items got a lot better and cuter haha. Well I haven't been online because the last two years of high school has been tough so and then there was two years of college and then work... played WoW for those years...
Awesome Guild - Hurr hurr :3

(>^(>O_0)>" ・・・
Lately I've been playing Bravely Default to the max!!!!!! Broke the damage limit, killed Ouroboros in two turns the last stage because of it. I just feel too OP that all I need in the game now are friends....
crying I've also got a good team in ORAS. I also have Smash for 3DS. So here's my FC if you want to be my... fiend
emotion_kirakira yum_puddi 4871-3318-4801
Pictures of Misty
Misty passed away on the fall of 2012... no emoticon can express this part of my sadness... 
Yes, I draw manga characters. I hardly color my drawings tho...
here's one of 'em

I uploaded more of my drawings! (yay~)
see more? 4laugh 
Favorite song(s) right now:
Panic by On an On
Favorite game (currently playing):
Bravely Default for 3DS
Favorite Actors:
Jin Akanishi and Gong Yoo

is Awesomeness~
Do you know katbushana language?
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Two snowmen are standing in a field. One says to the other : "Funny, I smell carrots too".
end message burning_eyes
version 3.3 is out with the third gym battle.
If we don't battle today, I probably won't catch you again.