Last Login: 04/17/2012 2:55 pm
Registered: 01/30/2007
Gender: Female
Location: Walla Walla, WA
So, Im bethanie:3
I like long walks next to short swimming pools.
Toasters are cute.
But toast is cuter.
I like bacon band-aids.
They heal all biggrin
Annnnd, I looove the color lime greeeeen[:
No, I wont date you. Even if you are 'super hot'
But I will be your friend!
I enjoy talking to creepy old men......
Oh, and I want that! ^^^^ So help me?! biggrin
Kaytlen the Great created it for me:3
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i'll never be done ranting about them>_>
you can kill the protestor, CAN'T KILL
you can't kill the protest
you can murder the rebel, MURDER
you can't murder the rebellion.
they're so goood.
like seriously, AMAZIN' okay okay.
i'm done anti-flag ranting now.
i'ma dynosawr.
d00d, idk..
i'm bored, and i need gold k.
because i can actually type fast,0.o
anti-flag is probably my favourite band.
along with screeching weasel.
because you totally care, right? ;p
-sad face-
you're in class, so...
i hope your cell goes off when you get this notification;D