My Birthday 2015

RIP David Bowie, may you be hapy among the stars STARMAN!

The day I was stealing faces 1/24/2015

Disney Event Los Angeles 1/16/2012 My Daughter and I

My daughter as Alice

Hi there to those that visit my profile.
I have been here since 2007 and I love Gaia now as much as I did then, I love to come here and relax and play games, earn the gold so I can get the next hot item on my wishlist.
I love music, I would say that is what makes me super happy (besides being creative or doing jewelry). I love to learn about ET, ancient civilizations, and the cosmos.
My real life can be described as a never ending vacation. I also work but for myself and 'Im usually here on Gaia when I'm waiting for a client to call which sometimes takes a loooong time. I do my work super fast but that's because I have done a lot of research to be specialized in what I do.
This is the shop I had, I closed the business but the pictures and memories are here. I thought of opening another shop when the economy gets better in 2016 but it's been 7 years so far and I enjoy not having the overhead. Having a storefront business in my experience and opinion is overrated.

By Spongebob321
This was done by my good friend Lil Pretty Pink Cupcake and it

was a huge surprise. Lil Pretty Pink Cupcake did this on her own
This is the actual avi

This is another artwork Lil Pretty Pink cupcake did this art too in September 2011.

The Lolita Life...I'm not here but maybe on the next picture I will be.
My turtle,,,,he got stolen by a construction worker...I know it!

I love David Bowie because of his genius, originality of being an amazing trending artist over the decades.
I also admire Prince because of his creative genius and being a strong firm foundation for many 1980's artists (the one hit wonders).
Michael Jackson has a super special place in my heart, his talent was just amazing.
I have many International favorites and I will try to at least plug one on my Gaia media each week.
Know Earth
Yesterday I read about the old shark that was found around Japan, that was a strange looking shark. It survived a few hours because it was not around his normal atmosphere. I see all my stuff on the national geographic site.
Hi, I like Earth because I live in it. I like to know more and it's good becaue there is alot of news about Earth all the time. While I know about global warming I get to know about other things like new animals that are being discovered in Asia ar
Disney bound and Handmade Costume Wear

My Shop

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