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Hyogoko's info

So a little about me? I love to cosplay, draw, browse interesting art, hanging with my group Costaku Productions and meeting new people ^_^ Oh I also love to RP. Hyogoko is my OC, he got his start here on gaia some years back and has become my penname as well xD RP is the way he comes to life. ALSO.... I love chedder cheese and sour cream ruffles.

Dream Avis

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Total Value: 3,214,027 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Giacamo's Charm
Secret Retreat
Shadowlegend 3rd Gen.
The Lusty Scoundrel
Secret Retreat

User Image
Total Value: 255,656 Gold
After Exclusions: 212,499 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Fox Tail
Fox Ears
Scar of Hero
Scar of Rogue
Scar of the Warrior
Feet Wraps
Hand Wraps
Dead Sexy Midnight Trousers
Romani Glasses
Infernal Spirit
Tsunami KO Gold Earring
Tsunami KO Classic Coat

User Image
Total Value: 890,131 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Inari's Beads
Inari's Beads
Inari's Beads
Inari's Beads 7th Gen
Inari's Beads 9th Gen
Inari's Beads 3rd Gen
Inari's Beads 4th Gen


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A Rurouni's thoughts and Dreams

just stuff about me


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Queentintin Report | 11/22/2012 8:38 pm
hI! How is life treatng you? It's been a long while huh? what you up to?
Cosmic-x-Huntress Report | 09/15/2012 7:32 pm
Cosmic-x-Huntress Report | 09/12/2012 9:39 pm
Fuzzy Pocky Report | 07/04/2011 4:43 pm
Fuzzy Pocky
owo... Hello. :3
Lyra Madrid Report | 04/29/2011 5:03 am
Lyra Madrid
Well, in the town where I live there really isn't much to do and since there are so many buildings being put up, we have far less nature here than there should be. But, so is the way things go. It's not so bad though. Should you ever get the chance to come here, you should. A nice place to visit.
Lyra Madrid Report | 04/28/2011 9:00 pm
Lyra Madrid
Yeah, I hope not. So far all that we got today was a very dark grey sky and very strong winds, but that was it. I'm lucky because the town I live in is pretty much out of the way from all the snow storms that happened this winter and usually we don't get as much rain as the other places. Seems like the bad weather just passed around us here.
Lyra Madrid Report | 04/28/2011 7:35 pm
Lyra Madrid
I would say so. Apparently in Ottawa, which is only about an our away from me, had sightings of one that never touched down. Though I'm not sure if I believe that or not.
Lyra Madrid Report | 04/28/2011 7:17 pm
Lyra Madrid
Yeah, I saw that on the news not five minutes ago.
It's awful!
Lyra Madrid Report | 04/28/2011 7:03 pm
Lyra Madrid
Yes, apparently we did though I didn't hear that either.
Lyra Madrid Report | 04/28/2011 7:25 am
Lyra Madrid
Yes, I do suppose you're right. I don't think we got that storm last night because my cat slept the entire night until this morning at 10 AM
Lightning can be very annoying when one is trying to fall asleep.


I am always willing to RP so PM me a starter! Or Come here and post your starters! Pick and Choose! A place for "PM me to Continue"
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Love Shatters Windows
The Mord-Sith Alexandra

Herro dere <.<

I am Hyogoko! Welcome to an artist's/cosplayer's profile. I won't put much here, promise lol



Stupid rabbit, hacking is for fat sweaty gamers