Viewing Managone's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hey there! WELCOME TO.. this girls profile.... whee

Name: Erie ( and duh! it's ain't a boy's name razz )
From: IDK.... ( wait.... what is this place again?! )
Age: 104938590 ( YEAH that's my age! )


Color: Blue ( Isn't it obvious?! )
Food: Seafood. ( I was raised loving seafood )
Music: Owl City, Pink blabla Blue Yellow...
( Wait... are those bands?! ?)

About me section:

Well... I'm Errie, ( Yeah yeah i know! )
I'm a weird and unpredictable girl and you can't change me. If you do then i'll be boring and this world will be cold and so serious.
I'm a kind person but i may harm you if you harm me too.
I HATE bad people.
I hate hackers and people attempting to get my password.
I cry like a raincloud and yes its true for i'm very, very emotional.

I sometimes get lazy too. ( and now i'm getting lazy... )

*YAWNS* sigh.... I love drawing and though i'm not that super good i still call it
talent. I sometimes giveout freebies to the folks in AF once in a while. smile

And yes... I love visitors, donators and random gift givers.

So welcome to my profile.... NOW GO BACK TO YOURS!
xd xd xd

And by the way.... if you wanna help me out then here's the link to my dream avi~~!!!!

I also play Dragoncave



What's behind...

This isn't like any other journal. This journal explains on what's behind my weird looking avis and styles... So read on!



Viewing 5 of 5 comments.


Report | 04/26/2011 5:02 pm


We should play that again.
On Saturday.
If we can.
It was funn.

. . .

Report | 04/25/2011 8:07 pm


Trololollololololololololol :'D
Summer? :3
Way Lame

Report | 09/17/2010 8:11 pm

Way Lame

sure righty...

Report | 09/09/2010 8:27 pm


This was My brother's account before. But nowadays my brother kinda finds gaia boring.... So he gave his gaia to me and thats it =) pirate

Report | 09/09/2010 4:03 pm


Why do you have a male body avi? eek


Ocean Breeze Lottery!
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I love RPing, getting free signs, free art, random PMs and anon. gifts heart